
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 101-113.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中山大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2016-11-25 发布日期:2017-09-30
  • 作者简介:吴承学,中山大学中文系教授,主要从事中国文体学、中国诗文评研究。 李冠兰,中山大学中文系特聘副研究员,主要从事中国文体学、先秦两汉文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

On the Rise of the Early Notion of Literary Genres inChina

Wu Chengxue, Li Guanlan   

  1. the Department of Chinese at Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou 510275, China)
  • Online:2016-11-25 Published:2017-09-30
  • About author:Wu Chengxue, is a professor in the Department of Chinese at Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou 510275, China), focusing on studies of Chinese literary genre theories, and critical works on verse and prose. Li Guanlan is an associate research fellow in the Department of Chinese at Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou 510275, China), focusing on studies of Chinese literary genre theoriesand literature of the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties.

摘要: “文体观念的发生”是中国文体学史研究的起点和基础。文体观念发生的标志,在于人们清晰地认识并重复使用了某一文体体制的特点,或者说,在于对文体自身形态自觉意识的出现。最初的文体观念,是在文体运用或对文体的明确命名与称引中体现出来的。文体观念并非瞬间发生、一次完成的,往往是一个复杂、含糊甚至反复的过程。早期文体特定体式的重复出现,大致有功能性重复与艺术性重复两种情况。在制度设置中所发生的文体观念,是在制度设置之初就被规定、被约束的,伴随制度的设置与实施而发生。中国早期的文体谱系观念的发生是基于礼仪、政治与制度建构之上的,许多文体功能、文体类别是从文体使用者的身份与职责延伸而来的,与之共同构成文体谱系。由于早期的文体写作具有强烈的实用性,礼制的规定也就成为文体写作的重要标准,从而直接影响相关文体观念的发生。中国早期文体观念的发生由于受到礼学的影响,非常强调仪式感和秩序感,因此中国早期不少文体形成一种庄重、敬畏、虔诚甚至是神圣的特殊况味。

关键词: 文体观念, 发生标志, 文体运用, 制度设置, 文体谱系

Abstract: Research on the generation of the notion of literary genres is the point of departure and a cornerstone for studies of the history of Chinese literary genre theories. The establishment of the notion of literary genres is marked by authors' having a clear knowledge of the characteristics of a certain genre, and applying it constantly and consistently, or in other words, by a consciousness of the very forms of literary genres. The notion of genres, in the beginning, is found, either in the application, or in the unambiguous definition and quotation, of the genres concerned. The birth of such a notion was effectuated, not in an instant, nor once for all, but usually through a complicated, inexplicit, even iterative process, where specific forms of some early genres reoccur repetitively. There are generally two kinds of repetitions, viz. functional and artistic. The genre notions as a result of institutional design are determined and restricted by such design, and develop along with the realization of the institutions. A genealogical study of thenotion of early literary genres has to be based on the construction of rituals, government and institutions. Many early genres have a function and classification originating from the identity and function of the specific genre users. The function and classification of these genres, together with the identity and function of genre users, form the genealogy of early literary genres. Due to the practicality of early writings, ritual regulations have become a governing rule for the writings of different genres, and thus exert an immediate influence on the rise of the notion of relevant genres. As a result, the early notion of literary genres tends to put an unusual stress on the sense of ritual and order, and that explains why many of early Chinese literary genres entail a style of solemnity, reverence, piety, and even holiness.

Key words: notion of literary genres, symbol of the rise, application of literary genres, design of institutions, genealogy of literary genres