
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 71-80.

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 云南大学
  • 出版日期:2016-09-25 发布日期:2017-09-30
  • 作者简介:张志平,文学博士,云南大学教授、博士生导师,主要从事中国现当代文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Imagining and Constructing "Popular Literature": the Popularization of Literature and Art in China since the "May Fourth" Movement

Zhang Zhiping   

  1. Yunnan University (Kunming 650091, China)
  • Online:2016-09-25 Published:2017-09-30
  • About author:Zhang Zhiping, Ph.D., is a professor at Yunnan University (Kunming 650091, China). His main research interest is modern and contemporary Chinese literature.

摘要: “五四”以来,启蒙主义是文艺界参与现实政治活动的基本方略和途径,文艺大众化运动是文艺界倡扬启蒙主义、实施启蒙战略的一个副产品。文艺界开展文艺大众化运动的宗旨是建构一种雅俗共赏的“大众文学”,这是一种符合文艺界新的文学观的、具有现代性的文类。文艺界想象和建构“大众文学”的路线图由三个步骤组成:作家致力欧化文艺大众化,用民众的语言写具有可懂性、民众喜闻乐见的通俗作品;文艺界扶植和造就工农作家或工农兵作家,由民众自己创作文艺作品;民众创作思想性强、艺术性高的现代“大众文学”作品。文艺界贯串其中的价值取向是文学不断接近民众、最终跟民众结合。目前,文艺界尚未走完想象和建构“大众文学”的第三步。此路线图是文艺界追寻、建构和确认中国文学的现代性、世界性、人类性的结果之一,里面包含着近百年来文艺界的梦想、缺憾、得失、荣辱,是文艺界复兴中华文艺的重要行动计划。

关键词: 文艺大众化, “大众文学”, 路线图

Abstract: Since the May Fourth Movement, enlightenment became the basic strategy and approach by which the literary and art circle participated in politics; thus the movement of the popularization of literature and art was a by-product of this enlightenment strategy. The purpose for the movement of the "popularization of literature and art" was to construct "popular literature" that appealed to both the more and the less cultured, a modern genre in accordance with the new vision of literature. The road map of "popular literature" imagined and designed by the literary and art circle comprised three steps: 1. writers devoted to popularizing the Europeanized Chinese literature and art by writing popular works which were easily understood; 2. the literary and art circle helped to train and bring up writers from the workers, peasants and soldiers so that the masses could write the works by themselves; 3. the masses wrote modern literary works with thoughts and artistry. The basic value was approaching the masses and becoming one of them. So far the literary and art circle has not finished the third step. The road map is one of the results achieved by the literary and art circle in pursuing, constructing and confirming the modernity, globalism and humanness of modern Chinese literature, which comprises the dream, regret, gain and loss, glory and disgrace of the literary and art circle for the past century. The road map is also an important blueprint to revive Chinese literature and art.  

Key words: popularization of literature and art, "popular literature", road map