
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 147-155.

• 西方文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 杜克大学
  • 出版日期:2016-09-25 发布日期:2021-05-12
  • 作者简介:肯尼斯·苏林,杜克大学教授,研究兴趣包括马克思主义,东欧哲学以及批评理论;其代表性论文有“自由尚未彻底获得:解放与下一种世界秩序”。

What is a Literary Text? A Deleuzean Approach

Kenneth Surin   

  1. Duke University
  • Online:2016-09-25 Published:2021-05-12
  • About author:Kenneth Surin is a Professor at Duke University. His areas of aeademic specialty include Marxism, European philosophy, and critical theory. His representative paper, among other things, is "Freedom Not Yet: Liberation and the Next World Order".

摘要: 关于文本与作者的性质,近几十年里出现了诸多极瑞历史主义的视角。根据这些视角(巴尔泰斯和福柯是先行者),文本与作者应该被看作不同种类功能的具体实现,历史则为实现这些功能提供可能条件。没有作者,阐释就不可能 (这是巴尔泰斯和福柯的目的)。与巴尔泰斯与福柯相反,尼赫马斯对文本与作者的描述则避免了前二者的缺憾。我运用吉尔·德勒兹的著作中的方法,在探讨莫言的过程中,以一种根本上异于前三人的方式看待文本,从而使得文本既有意义,有没有阐释的必要。

关键词: 吉尔·德勒兹, 亚历山大·尼赫马斯, 文学文本, 莫言

Abstract: In recent decades radically historicist perspectives on the natures of the text and the author have emerged. Aceording to these historicist perspectives, pioneered by Barthes and Foucault, text and author are properly to be viewed as the realizations of many different kinds of functions, with history supplying the conditions of possilbility for the realization of these functions. Withoult the author, interpretation becomes impossible (this was the aim of Barthes and Foucault). Against Barthes and Foucault, Alexander Nehamas has provided an account of text and author which avoids the strictures of Barthes and Nehamas. Using the work of Gilles Deleuze, and discussing Mo Yan. I view text and author in a radically different way which allows the text to have sense but without the need for interpretation.

Key words: Gilles Deleuze, Alexander Nehamas, literary text, Mo Yan