
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 39-45.

• 专题:海外中国现代文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 苏州大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-01-25 发布日期:2013-02-20
  • 作者简介:季进,文学博士,苏州大学文学院教授,博士生导师,主要从事比较文学与海外汉学(中国文学)研究。
  • 基金资助:


Dialectics between Politics and Literature: on Overseas Studies in Chinese Literature

Ji Jin   

  1. Soochow University (Suzhou)
  • Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-02-20
  • About author:Ji Jin, Ph.D., is a professor at Soochow University (Suzhou), with research interests in comparative literature and overseas Chinese literature studies.

摘要: 本文较为全面地评述与反思了海外学界对马克思主义与中国现代文学关系的思考,既有对左翼文学、左翼作家 重要研究论著的论析,也有对马克思主义美学意识形态中国化研究的个案解读,呈现了其中知识与权力相互角力,内在 与外在彼此刺激的复杂程度,指出马克思主义中国化的研究,必须放弃大历史叙述式的单音模式,而重回众声喧哗的历 史现场。海外学界的研究成果,丰富了我们对海外中国现代文学研究的认知,也为反思马克思主义的中国化提供了更多 的面向,为以后的研究预留和指明了新的阐述空间和论述向度。

关键词: 马克思主义, 中国现代文学研究, 海外汉学

Abstract: This paper surveys and reflects on the overseas researches on the relationship between Marxism and modern Chinese literature. Through critical analyses of major studies on Left-Wing literature and writers as well as case studies sinicization of Marxist aesthetic ideology, the paper tries to expose the struggle between knowledge and power and reveal the complexity of mutual stimulus between internal and external factors. The paper points out that the study of the sinicization of Marxism should discard the grand historical narrative with one dominant voice and be re-positioned into the multiple voiced historical site. The paper concludes that overseas studies have enriched our understanding of modern Chinese literature with more aspects for further reflection on sinicized Marxism and expanded the scope and pointed to untapped dimension for future studies.

Key words: Marxism, modern Chinese literature, overseas Chinese studies