
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 183-191.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2013-01-25 发布日期:2013-02-20
  • 作者简介:陶型传,华东师范大学中文系副研究员。

On Liu Xizai's Paradox about the Exhaustibility of Meaning

Tao Xingchuan   

  1. Department of Chinese, East China Normal University
  • Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-02-20
  • About author:Tao Xingchuan is a research fellow at Department of Chinese, East China Normal University.

摘要: 刘熙载“意不可尽,以不尽尽之”的理念,切中了审美创造的基本性能。他的《艺概》,从宏观与微观的无尽性、书不尽言和言不尽意、在有限中见出无限三个方面,阐发了文艺作品“意不可尽”的原理;又从“对面旁面落墨”“借端托寓”“比兴寄托”等方面,诠释了“以不尽尽之”的主要途径。由此,可以看出刘熙载关于审美创造的三个重要思想:其一,审美表现是通过具有原生态和全息性的表象显现,给人们提供真体验、深感受,向人的生命律动本真进军;其二,审美思维是通过异质事物之间的相似性连类生发,打破科学同质归类的局限,可以直接通达理性观念;其三,审美辩证法是在相反相成普遍规律的基础上,通过强化反面、对面、旁面,来收到愈相反愈相成的艺术效果。

关键词: 刘熙载, 《艺概》, 审美表现, 审美思维, 审美辩证法

Abstract: Liu Xizai in his General Principles of Arts proposed a paradoxical idea about exhausting the inexhaustibility of meaning with the inexhaustible, and this paper claims that his idea points at the fundamental function of aesthetic creativity. The ideas developed in Liu's book cover two sides. On the one hand, the book explicates the concept of the inexhaustibility of meaning from three aspects: the infiniteness of the macro and the micro dimensions, the incompatibility between language and meaning, and the infiniteness in the finiteness. On the other hand, the book explains the approaches to exhaust the inexhaustible from three aspects: writing from the sides, referring through metaphors, and implying by comparing and arousing. It can be concluded that three important aspects of Liu Xizai's aesthetic creativity: aesthetic expression through primary and comprehensive phenomenal representation, aesthetic thinking through categorical similarities between heterogeneous objects, and aesthetic dialectics in binary oppositions to achieve artistic effects.

Key words: Liu Xizai, General Principles of Arts, aesthetic expression, aesthetic thinking, aesthetic dialectics