
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 65-70.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 斯坦福大学东亚语言文学系
  • 出版日期:2012-07-25 发布日期:2012-09-12
  • 作者简介:赵婷婷,斯坦福大学东亚语言文学系博士生,研究中国文学,重点是诗歌、小说和戏剧。

Potential of Poetic Dialogue: Guo Xiangzheng's Innovative Appropriation of Li Bai

Zhao Tingting   

  1. Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Stanford University
  • Online:2012-07-25 Published:2012-09-12
  • About author:Zhao Tingting is a Ph.D. student in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Stanford University. Her research focuses on Chinese literature with an emphasis on poetry, the novel and theater.

摘要: 郭祥正被梅尧臣称为“太白后身”,但也有学者给予了偏向否定的评价。本文从“对话”角度分析这一现象,认为郭祥正对李白的接受,证明了多层次诗歌对话的可能性。对于李白的艺术遗产,郭祥正是根据不同场合与不同对象灵活地加以运用的。前期在和梅尧臣的对话中,李白是一个中介,促进郭祥正与梅尧臣的情感与艺术交流;在和当时文学圈的对话中,李白是郭祥正灵感的一个来源,他力图使自己的作品满足听众的心理期待;同时对于郭祥正本人,李白也是他在诗歌里的一位谈话对象。而到晚年,郭祥正诗歌里的谈话对象经常是逝去的亲人,以及他本人。对于此时的郭祥正来说,创作诗歌的过程就是一个心灵疗救的过程,他本人的风格日益明显,而李白的身影则逐渐淡出。

关键词: 郭祥正, 对话, 心灵疗救

Abstract: Guo Xiangzheng (1035-1113) was a prolific poet of the Song Dynasty who was hailed as a protege of poetry and whose incredible imagination resembled that of Li Bai. Unfortunately,many literary scholars have oversimplified Guo's work as a mere derivative of Li Bai's. This paper intends to renew scholarly interest in Guo's poetry by illustrating his innovation and sophistication in utilizing Li Bai's poems and style. Through his use of different poetic devices, Guo creates varied dialogues with his audience across a broad span of time in order to achieve political and personal purposes. During his years between nineteen and twenty-six, Guo strategically appropriated Li Bai's literary style as a means to connect with his mentor Mei Yaochen. After Mei's death, Guo used Li Bai as a source of inspiration to address the literary community and satisfy their expectations. In his poetry, Guo also addressed Li Bai directly and treated him as a participant in their dialogues. After age forty-six, Guo chose to be a recluse and live in solitude, during which he continued to write. Instead of mentioning Li Bai, he addressed his deceased family and himself in his poems. Li Bai's absence left room for Guo's own healing from the trauma of his family members' deaths, and allowed Guo to exercise his own agency in writing. Guo's innovative appropriation of Li Bai's work set the standard for later poets to expand upon the work of their predecessors, although further research is needed to explore the implications of his contributions.

Key words: Guo Xiangzheng, poetic dialogue, healing power