

• “五四文学百年纪念”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 东北师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-28
  • 作者简介:王确,文学博士,东北师范大学文学院教授,主要从事文艺理论和美学研究。
  • 基金资助:

From Literary Subjectivity to Intersubjectivity and Aesthetic Ideology: Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory's Reconstruction of the May Fourth Tradition in the Recent Four Decades

Wang Que   

  1. the School of Literature, Northeast Normal University
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Wang Que, Ph. D., is a professor at the School of Literature, Northeast Normal University. His research interest covers literary theory and aesthetics.
  • Supported by:
    the Major Project on Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education (12JZD017).

摘要: 中国改革开放40年的文论历史,始终在进行文学的启蒙。文学启蒙的重要维度依然是文学的主体性问题,这是遥望曾间断的五四文学传统、重拾文学革命尚未完成的任务所做的努力。文学主体论是在“文学是人学”—“文学主体论”—“文学主体间性”的逻辑构架中确立和进展的。这一历史逻辑中有两个最主要的理论取向:一是文学的主体间性;二是审美反映论或审美意识形态论。主体论在接受反映论和意识形态论的思想背景中建构着主体间性文论;反映论和意识形态论文论在吸收主体论文论主张中形成了审美反映论和审美意识形态论;审美反映论与审美意识形态论的创新点在于“审美”概念的介入,承认文学的审美属性并在文论中概念化,给新时期中国文论注入了活力,也更接近文学艺术的真理。改革开放40年文论史给当下和未来提供的启示主要有三:一是理性和历史地守望主体论;二是将文论作为整个社会文化有机体的一部分;三是调适理论成果在历史本体的逻辑中具有现实合理性。

关键词: 五四传统, 文学主体论, 主体间性, 审美意识形态论, 调适理论

Abstract: The Chinese literary theory in the recent four decades since China's Reform and Opening-up has been focused on literary enlightenment. As an effort to continue the tradition and to fulfil the unfinished task of the May Fourth literary revolution, literary enlightenment is still an important dimension in the subjectivity of literature. The development of literary subjectivity witnessed a transformation from "literature as a study of humanity" to "literary subjectivity" and "literary intersubjectivity". There are two main theoretical orientations within this historical development: one is the intersubjectivity of literature, the other is the theory of aesthetic reflection or aesthetic ideology. The subjectivity theory constructs the intersubjectivity theory against the ideological background of the theory of reflection and ideology, which gives rise to the theories of aesthetic reflection and aesthetic ideology by absorbing the theory of subjectivity. The innovation of the theories of aesthetic reflection and aesthetic ideology lies in their integration of the concept "aesthetics". Recognition and conceptualization of the aesthetic attribute of literature has vitalized Chinese literary theory in the new era and brought it closer to the truth of art and literature. The four decades of history of literary theory from the Reform and Opening-up onwards enlightens the present and the future in three major ways: First, the subjectivity theory should be considered in a rational and historical perspective; second, literary theory is part of the whole social and cultural organism; third, the results of the adjustment theory have realistic rationality in the logic of historical ontology.

Key words: the May Fourth tradition, literary subjectivity, intersubjectivity, aesthetic ideology, adjustment theory