

• “五四文学百年纪念”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-06-11
  • 作者简介:张蕴艳,文艺学博士,上海交通大学人文学院讲师,主要从事二十世纪中西文论与思潮研究。
  • 基金资助:

Renewing the Centurial Discourse of Chinese Literary Theory Through the Genealogy of Spirit: Case Study of Zong Baihua and Li Changzhi

Zhang Yunyan   

  1. the School of Humanities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:Zhang Yunyan, Ph. D., is a lecturer in the School of Humanities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research interests are the theories and thoughts of Chinese and Western literature in the 20th century.
  • Supported by:
    the Major Project of National Social Science Fund (12ZD167) 

摘要: 宗白华《中国艺术意境之诞生》的初稿与增订稿,有很大的不同。增订稿以浓厚的中西比较意识,突出强调了意境的精神向度。当宗白华将意境视为“使人类最高的心灵具体化、肉身化(Incarnation)”时,“Incarnation”当也具有深层的宗教精神的含义,而非仅仅是表层的审美表达的方式。“象征”则是这种最高的心灵具体化、肉身化的一个途径。李长之的文论与美学思想在很多方面都延续了宗白华的思考,从他们的精神联系可见现代中国除胡适、陈独秀的思想启蒙路径之外的另一精神脉络。精神向度的思考是他们的文论的基石,其源头是德国现代美学的新浪漫主义与生命哲学的精神谱系。而其中的一位重要关节性人物,就是狄尔泰。狄尔泰对“精神”的理解直接影响了宗白华、李长之。并且由精神史到文论,他们强调“精神性”与“科学性”的学术思想为现代中国美学与文学学术范式性的新变提供了可贵的参照。

关键词: 文论, 美学, 精神谱系, 精神史

Abstract: A disparity exists between the first and the revised edition of Zong Baihua's The Birth of Chinese Artistic Conception. Adopting a comparative methodology, the revised edition highlights the spiritual dimension of artistic conception. When Zong Baihua regards artistic conception as "incarnation of the supreme human mind," the word "incarnation" is more than a metaphor for an aesthetic expression; it also gestures at a deep meaning of religious spirit. "Symbol" is one of the ways to actualize such incarnation. Influenced by Zong's theorization of religious spirit, Li Changzhi's literary theory and aesthetical thinking further shows a modern Chinese genealogy of spirit that is different from the path of enlightenment led by Hu Shi and Chen Duxiu. As the foundation of Zong's and Li's literary theories, this spiritual dimension shares two origins generated in German modern aesthetics: Neo-Romanticism and life philosophy. Dilthey, a key figure in this, directly affected Zong Baihua and Li Changzhi by his understanding of "spirit". Moreover, Zong's and Li's theorization of "spirit" and "science" contribute to the intellectual fields from history of spirit to literary theory, which provides us with valuable references to new paradigm changes in modern Chinese aesthetics and literary studies.

Key words: literary theory, aesthetics, genealogy of spirit, history of spirit
