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  1. 中央民族大学少数民族语言文学系
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:赵柔柔,博士,中央民族大学少数民族语言文学系讲师,主要从事文化研究、英美小说研究与电影研究。

The Naissance of Dystopia

Zhao Rourou   

  1. Department of Minority Languages and Literatures, Minzu University of China
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Zhao Rourou, Ph. D., is a lecturer of Department of Minority Languages and Literatures, Minzu University of China, specializing in cultural studies, English literature, and cinema studies.

摘要: 反乌托邦作为大众文化最具生产力和批判力的叙事传统之一,在今天仍然较难进行系统的讨论。其原因在很大程度上来自于命名携带的陷阱——反乌托邦叙事往往被认为是对乌托邦的讽刺和否定,或者模糊地意指“坏的地方”以对应乌托邦之“好的地方”。然而,若系统考察反乌托邦叙事,不难发现它早已溢出了乌托邦叙事的限定,直接回应着一系列现实论题,如女性主义、后人类主义、城市化问题、现代性、异化等。本文试图回到“反乌托邦”的命名起点,尝试通过分辨围绕着反乌托邦的话语构成,来打开一定的讨论空间。

关键词: 反乌托邦, 乌托邦, 乔治·奥威尔

Abstract: Dystopia is one of the most critical narratives of the popular culture. To some extent, it is beyond interpretation because of its definition: it is well known that dystopia refers to a bad place while utopia means a good place; that is, dystopia is a negative utopia. But if we look into the works that are called dystopias, it is obvious that they do not simply disavow what utopias insist. They also deal with various theses like feminism, post-humanism, modernity, etc. This paper focuses on the emergence of dystopia from the beginning and tries to analyze its discursive formation.

Key words: dystopia, utopia, George Orwell