

• 专题:百年新诗反思 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2017-11-25 发布日期:2017-10-18
  • 作者简介:张吕坤,华东师范大学中文系博士生,文艺学专业,学术兴趣主要集中在中西文论比较、中国现代文论研究。 韦施伊,华东师范大学中文系博士生,文艺学专业,学术兴趣主要集中在西方文论研究、文化研究。

Integration and Innovation: the Construction of the Aesthetics of Poetry for the Future, also on the Relationship between Traditional Poetics and Modern Poetics

Zhang Lvkun, Wei Shiyi   

  1. the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University (Shanghai)
  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-10-18
  • About author:Zhang Lvkun is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University (Shanghai). His research interests are comparative studies of Chinese and Western literary criticism and Chinese literary theory. Wei Shiyi is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University (Shanghai). Her research interests are Western literary theory and culture studies.

摘要: 新诗发展已逾百年,这一个百年是中国社会形态、文化症候发生重大改变的百年。以继承传统和反叛传统为主线的新诗发展,不管它如何承担物态化的社会重任或者受西方文化影响表现出“现代性”,实则是在构建新“传统”的范畴之下。新诗及其诗论以具体的创作实践获得合法性来源,并且它们的实践活动基于融通的视野和开阔的时代语境。这样的历史语境亦是新诗、诗论所要面临的机遇与挑战。融通创新乃至建立一个博大的理论胸怀是构建面向未来的新诗美学的主要特征,它在兼有历史纵深、跨文化、未来性的情况下,给予新诗足够的理论支撑。

关键词: 融通, 跨文化, 语境, 新诗论, 传统

Abstract: Modern poetry has a history of more than one hundred years, during which period China's social form and cultural symptoms have undergone significant changes. Centering on the inheritance and rebellion of traditions, the development of modern poetry is essentially categorized within the construction of new "tradition", no matter how it assumes social responsibilities of materialization, or turns into "modernity" affected by Western cultures. It is expected that modern poetry and poetics get their legitimacy through practice in the real world situation, on the basis of an integrative vision and an open historical context of the era which brings opportunities as well as challenges. In this respect, the construction of the aesthetics of modern poetry for the future lies in integration, innovation, and a broad theoretical mind, which can provide strong theoretical support in the context of historical depth, cross-culture, and futurity.

Key words: integration, cross-cultural, context, new poetics, tradition