
文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 61-68.

• 西方文论与美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 长江师范学院文学院
  • 出版日期:2018-01-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:陈春莲,文学博士,长江师范学院文学院讲师,主要研究时间观念和自我的关系问题及其带来的审美特征的变化。

St John the Baptist: Da Vinci's Irony

Chen Chunlian   

  1. Yangtze Normal University
  • Online:2018-01-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Chen Chunlian, Ph.D., teaches at Yangtze Normal University. Her main research interests are relationship between notion of time and self-consciousness, as well as changes of aesthetic characteristics.

摘要: 达·芬奇的《施洗者约翰》中的人物形象雌雄同体、妩媚动人,并不符合《圣经》中对这一人物的记载和描述。这样强烈的反差在基督教文化背景中显得异乎寻常。在文艺复兴时代,人们开始重新思考基督教信仰,其思想和文化早已不是铁板一块。施洗者约翰是预告耶稣来临也即见证真正的光的人物,达·芬奇改变了《圣经》中这一人物的形象特征,从而赋予这一人物新的内涵和象征意义,使其所预言的基督教真理变得暧昧难明。这是绘画中的反讽游戏。通过基督教先知和雌雄同体的形象之间的矛盾,达·芬奇赋予这一人物内在的紧张和冲突,也就是希腊式的真理和基督教的启示之间的对抗。这幅绘画中的反讽是双重的:施洗者约翰这一人物是反讽的,他预示着真理但他本身不是真理;达·芬奇的手法是反讽的,画中人物是施洗者约翰但又不是《圣经》中本来的先知约翰。在双重反讽中,达·芬奇暗示了对真理是什么和通向真理的道路问题的重新反思。

关键词: 施洗者约翰, 达·芬奇, 反讽, 文艺复兴, 真理

Abstract: In Leonardo da Vinci's St John the Baptist, the figure is androgynous, whose expression and posture look enchanting and tempting. Such an image does not accord with the description in the Bible, which is remarkably unusual in Christian culture. People in the Renaissance began to rethink about truth and revelation of Christian religion, believing that Christian thoughts and culture were not monolithic any more. St John the Baptist predicts the coming of Jesus; namely, he witnesses the true light. However, da Vinci transformed his image characteristics and gave the image new connotation and symbolic meaning, which made Christian truth that St John foretells ambiguous. This is an irony in the painting. Da Vinci brought this figure inner tension by means of causing contradiction between the Christian prophet and the androgynous image, which suggested serious conflict between Hellenistic truth and Christian revelation. The irony in this painting is double: first, the figure St John the Baptist is ironic, for he predicts truth and he himself is not truth; second, the way da Vinci represented the image is ironic, as the figure is St John the Baptist but not the original prophet John in the Bible. In double ironies, da Vinci implied his rethinking about two questions: What is truth? What is the way to truth?

Key words: St John the Baptist, da Vinci, irony, Renaissance, truth;