
文艺理论研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 149-159.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


蔡亚平, 程国赋   

  1. 暨南大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2020-11-25 发布日期:2020-12-16
  • 作者简介:蔡亚平,文学博士,暨南大学文学院副教授,主要从事中国古代小说和戏曲研究。 程国赋,文学博士,暨南大学文学院教授,主要从事中国古代小说和戏曲研究。
  • 基金资助:

On the "Portrait Paintings" in the Late-Ming Fictions and Xiqu

Cai Yaping, Cheng Guofu   

  1. School of Liberal Arts, Jinan University
  • Online:2020-11-25 Published:2020-12-16
  • About author:Cai Yaping, Ph. D., is an associate professor at the School of Liberal Arts, Jinan University. Her research interests include ancient Chinese fiction and xiqu. Cheng Guofu, Ph. D., is an professor at the School of Liberal Arts, Jinan University. His research interests include ancient Chinese fiction and xiqu.
  • Supported by:
    Major Project of National Social Sciences Foundation of China (15ZDB070)

摘要: 中国古代小说戏曲与绘画艺术的关系相当密切,晚明小说戏曲中可以见到“写真图”的相关描述。本文从以下四个方面对晚明小说戏曲中的“写真图”进行探讨:1.统计这一时期出现“写真图”情节的小说戏曲作品数量,共有18篇作品。2.晚明小说戏曲中描述的“写真图”体现出以下特点:通常是对人物的正面描摹、有时对人物形象进行美化、强调形神兼备以及追求人物与景物的融合。3.晚明小说戏曲中时常出现“写真图”情节的原因在于:人物画复兴,晚明叙事文学题材自身发展演变的影响以及文坛上生命意识与自我意识的崛兴,均对这一文学现象的产生起到了一定的推动作用。4.晚明小说戏曲中“写真图”的功用主要体现在:对小说戏曲故事的发展、对人物性格的刻画与形象塑造产生了重要影响。

关键词: 晚明, 小说戏曲, “写真图”

Abstract: Portrait paintings were prominent in ancient Chinese fictions and xiqu (traditional Chinese opera), and the close relationships between them have not been duly explored. In late Ming-Dynasty fictions and xiqu, portrait paintings have been used in eighteen fictions and xiqu to construct the plots. These paintings usually gave a frontal image of the characters, with occasional glamorization for a unified representation of both the appearance and the spirit to achieve the integration of the character with the scenery. Three developments in the late-Ming Dynasty may explain why portrait paintings were prominent in the fictions and xiqu: the revival of figure paintings, the development of narrative literature, and the rise of life consciousness and self-consciousness in the literary field. The main functions of portrait paintings in late-Ming fictions and xiqu were reflected in the development of story, the characterization, and the portrayal of characters.

Key words: the late Ming Dynasty, fictions, xiqu, portrait paintings