

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 苏州大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-11-28
  • 作者简介:陈昌强,文学博士,苏州大学文学院讲师,中国古代文学专业,主要从事词学及明清文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Proposition of Li Yu's Reincarnation and the Development of Ci-Poetry in Early Qing

Chen Changqiang   

  1. the School of Humanities, Soochow University
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-11-28
  • About author:Chen Changqiang, Ph.D., is a lecturer in the School of Humanities, Soochow University. His research interests include the study of Ci-poetry and Chinese classical literature from the Ming to the Qing.
  • Supported by:
    the Philosophy and Social Sciences Fund for Universities and Colleges of Jiangsu "The History of Preferences between Northern Song Ci-poetry and Southern Song Ci-poetry” (No. 2017SJB1314) and the National Social Sciences Fund of China "A Chronological Study of Ci-poetry in the Qing Dynasty" (No. 17BZW112)

摘要: “重光后身”这一词学命题,最初仅为基于轮回转世观念的比附,后来逐渐具有明确指涉。清及民国学界对此命题的讨论,聚焦于陈子龙、纳兰性德二人。词史上,陈、纳兰二人一方面以其创作实绩显示了在诸如艳情、家国和词学体格等词学主题上与李煜的相似性,另一方面则分别在词学理论或渊源方面与李煜存在具体而微的异同。这既反映了作为词学典范的李煜,在明季清初词坛的经典化及其接受程度;亦反映了明季清初的令词演进及其统序。而纳兰性德对陈子龙的推崇,特别是《今词初集》选阵所显示的对云间词派及其羽翼力量的认同,也揭示了纳兰性德的词学流派意识,以及更为明显的廓清词坛,并于阳羡、浙西之外另树一帜的立派努力。由是可知,“重光后身”说所显示的以陈子龙、纳兰性德为代表的令词统序,也是清初“南北宋之争”中的一支重要力量,与其他词学力量一起,共同参与并支撑起清词中兴。

关键词: 重光后身, 纳兰性德, 令词统序, 南北宋之争, 清初词学

Abstract: The proposition "Li Yu's Reincarnation" was put forward initially based on the analogy of reincarnation, and later acquired a clear reference. In the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the discussion of this proposition focused on Chen Zilong and Nalan Xingde. On the one hand, Chen and Nalan are similar to Li Yu in themes of romance, patriotism and style of Ci-poetry; on the other hand, there are differences in the theory of Ci-poetry. It not only reflects the canonization and acceptance of model-poets such as Li Yu, but also reflects the evolution and the orthodox order of Ling-Ci (Short Lyrics) in the Later Ming and Early Qing Dynasties. The admiration of Chen Zilong, especially his identity shown in the Early Collection of the Present Ci-poetry, not only reveals the consciousness of the school of Ci-poetry of Nalan, but also shows his clearer clarification of the Ci-poet community. It is known that the orthodox order of Ling-Ci in the proposition "Li Yu's Reincarnation" is also an important force in the Ci-poetry community of the early Qing. This force, together with other Ci-poetry forces, participates in and underpins the resurgence of Ci-poetry in the early Qing.

Key words: the reincarnation of Li Yu, Nalan Xingde, the orthodox order of Ling-Ci (Short Lyrics), the preferences between Northern Song Ci-poetry and Southern Song Ci-poetry, the Study of Ci-poetry in the early Qing
