
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 118-128.

• 西方文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 扬州大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2017-03-25 发布日期:2017-11-11
  • 作者简介:姚文放,扬州大学文学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事文艺学、美学研究。
  • 基金资助:
    本文为江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目“文化传承与区域社会发展” [项目编号:PAPD]阶段性成果

The Theoretical Evolution and Literary Orientation of "Symptomatic Reading"

Yao Wenfang   

  1. the College of Liberal Arts, Yangzhou University (Yangzhou 250002, China)
  • Online:2017-03-25 Published:2017-11-11
  • About author:Yao Wenfang, is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the College of Liberal Arts, Yangzhou University (Yangzhou 250002, China). His main research fields are literature theory and aesthetics.

摘要: 从谱系学的角度着眼,阿尔都塞关于“症候解读”的创见可以追溯到弗洛伊德和拉康。弗洛伊德是从过失、梦以及神经病的症候之中解读出意义来。拉康借助哲学、心理学和语言学对于精神分析学进行重建,用科学的、系统的理论对于弗洛伊德关于“症候是有意义的”思想进行重构。而这恰恰为阿尔都塞的“症候解读”奠定了理论基础。阿尔都塞是从黑格尔逻辑学的否定性形式中获得了方法,从弗洛伊德和拉康关于精神病心理机制的研究中找到了概念,从马克思《资本论》关于剩余价值的研究中发现了问题,从而铸成“症候解读”的理论。阿尔都塞将“症候解读”视为一种生产,它借助自身的证伪、校正功能倒逼和反推知识增长和理论跃迁。此后“症候解读”理论向文学归趋,为文学研究开辟了新的理论空间,马舍雷将之引向文学批评,而卡勒则进一步将之引向了文化研究。

关键词: 症候解读, 理论谱系, 文学归趋, 艺术生产, 文学批评, 文化研究

Abstract: The term "symptomatic reading" initiated by Althusser, as far as the origin of the term is concerned, can be traced to Freud and Lacan. Freud uncovers meaning from slips of tongue, dreams and the symptoms of the insane. Adopting philosophy, psychology and linguistics in rebuilding psychoanalysis, Lacan seeks to restructure, in a scientific and systematic manner, Freud's view that symptoms are meaningful. This is what lays the foundation for the theory of "symptomatic reading" put forward by Althusser. In the process of establishing the theory, Althusser derives the method from the form of negation Hegel investigates in his Science of Logic, extracts the concept from the research of Freud and Lacan on the mind of the insane and gains the inspiration from the probe into residual value made by Marx in his Capital. Althusser perceives "Symptomatic Reading" as a form of production, with the effort of self-refutation and self-correction leading in reverse to the growth of knowledge and the leap of theory. In the following development, "symptomatic reading" is oriented towards the research of literature, creating a new space in the field. The theory has been applied in the criticism of literature by Macherey and taken still further by Culler into the realm of cultural research.

Key words: symptomatic reading, theoretical evolution, literary orientation, art production, literary criticism, cultural research