
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 4-14.

• 美学与文化研究 •    下一篇



  1. 广东湛江师范学院“康德-牟宗三”研究所
  • 出版日期:2012-07-25 发布日期:2012-09-12
  • 作者简介:劳承万,广东湛江师范学院“康德—牟宗三”研究所教授,从事美学文艺学研究。 戚锰,北京科学教育电影制片厂电影学硕士,从事电影编导和美学研究。

"Poetry-Rituals-Happiness" in Chinese Thought and Aesthetics as a Discipline

Lao Chengwan, Qi Meng   

  1. the Research Center for Kant and Mou Zongshan, Zhanjiang Normal University
  • Online:2012-07-25 Published:2012-09-12
  • About author:Lao Chengwan is a professor at the Research Center for Kant and Mou Zongshan, Zhanjiang Normal University (Zhanjiang 524048, Guangdong, China). Qi Meng is a master student at Beijing Science Education Films Studio, with research interest in film directring and aesthetics.

摘要: 美学是西方文化的学科,且从属其哲学体系,曰:“哲学之美学”;在中土文化中没有此等学科,因中西文化属异质文化,故既无此等哲学,更无此等美学。若在观念形态之对应性上寻求,那只有礼乐文化中之“乐”学。西方美学成为一门对峙于逻辑学的学科,虽是由鲍姆嘉通确立,但其久远的总根源却是柏拉图“理型论”中之“美本体”,与亚里士多德四因说中之“形式”审美论。西方文化是逐物文化,对“物”(“存在”之直观性)之追根求源,极为审察(本体论/形而上学即是),故极重物之根系的存在形态。理型论可谓根系之“独体结构”,四因说可谓根系之“联体结构”。据于前者,以明唯有根深才能体大(高大),故“全部西方哲学皆是其注脚”;据于后者,以明唯有根系宽广,形姿才能婆娑,故“摹仿论概念在西方雄霸了两千余年”。此是其抽象式之颖思,若移至中土而论学,由前者则必然指向由圣人汇聚而来之德性总根系,由后者则必然指向儒家建构心性哲学之三联式(兴于诗—立于礼—成于乐)。故中土之乐学,必依经学精神(圣人之德性精神)为总根源,以“诗—礼—乐”之联体流程为建构范式。

关键词: 诗礼乐, 学科形态, 独体, 联体

Abstract: Aesthetics as a discipline was constructed under the system of Western philosophy,and then introduced into Chinese intellectual field. In terms of conceptualization of ideas,perhpas the concept of "happiness (le)" can be understood as equivalent to the Western concept of aesthetics. Aesthetics as a discinple in opposition to logic was established by Baumgarten,but its origin was rooted in Plato's concept of "beauty" and Aristotle's "form" in the four-cause elements. Western culture has a materialistic pursuit which emphasizes the essense of the objects as the expression of intuition of existence, and this pursuit in the form of rigorous examination of objects shows as ontology/metaphysics. Idea is an independent structure and the four-cause ide-ology is an associative structure. The former exhibits as the deepening of the root for the building of the body, which leads to the claim that the entire Western philosophy is a footnote to Plato. The latter exhibits as the expanding of the root for the manifestation of the form, which leads to the phenomena that mimesis dominates the aesthetics in the West for over 2000 years. When introduced into Chinese culture, the former points to the virtue claim in Chinese thought built on the sages while the latter points to the Confucians triple associateve disposition philosophy constructed on poetry (shi), rituals (li) and happiness (le) . Chinese philosophy of happiness (le) is rooted on the spirit of virtues of the sages, and is built on the associative strucure of poetry, rituals and happiness. 

Key words: poetry-rituals-happiness, disciplinary formation, independent structure, associative structure