
文艺理论研究 ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 25-31.

• 专题:当代艺术语境里的文艺理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

最后一击?: T.J.克拉克论波洛克及抽象表现主义


  1. 浙江大学美学与批评理论研究所
  • 出版日期:2015-03-25 发布日期:2015-06-17
  • 作者简介:诸葛沂,浙江大学美学与批评理论研究所博士生,主要从事西方艺术史、艺术哲学和艺术批评研究。

A Last Blow? T. J. Clark on Pollock and Abstract Expressionism

Zhu Geyi   

  1. the Institute of Aesthetic and Critical Theory, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou 310058, China)
  • Online:2015-03-25 Published:2015-06-17
  • About author:Zhuge Yi is a Ph.D student at the Institute of Aesthetic and Critical Theory, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou 310058, China), with research interests in western art history, art theory and art criticism.

摘要: T.J.克拉克将库尔贝研究和马奈研究中一贯坚持的艺术社会史理路,延续到对波洛克和抽象表现主义的分析中。他认为,波洛克以抵抗相似性、抵抗隐喻的方式,抽象表现主义以“粗野”的品质继续了现代艺术的激进传统;可是他们的抵抗最终被资本主义文化的总体景观吞噬。最终,他给出了对现代主义“否定性”传统难以为继的悲观暗示。

关键词: T.J.克拉克, 艺术社会史, 波洛克, 抽象表现主义, 现代主义, 否定性

Abstract: T. J. Clark carries forward the logic of social history of art which he developed and operated in his study of Courbet and Manet into his analysis of Pollock and Abstract Expressionism. Clark argues that Pollock continued the radical tradition of modern art by resisting similarity and metaphor while Abstract Expressionism continued it with its 'vulgarity' quality. However, their resistances were devoured by the totality of capitalist culture. Clark's pessimistic conclusion is that the modernist tradition of 'negativity' can't continue.

Key words: T. J. Clark, social history of art, Jackson Pollock, abstract expressionism, modernist negativity