
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 114-127.

• 现当代文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海交通大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2012-01-25 发布日期:2012-03-24
  • 作者简介:夏中义,教授,上海交通大学中文系,研究方向:20世纪中国文艺理论史案。

On the Evolution of Wang Yuanhua's Methodology for Literary Theory

Xia Zhongyi   

  1. the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Online:2012-01-25 Published:2012-03-24
  • About author:Xia Zhongyi is a professor with the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His main academic interest is Chinese literary theory of the 20th century.

摘要: 九十年代以前,学界大体认王元化是学贯中西的文艺理论家。然学界大多忽略,真正纵贯王元化文论演化七十年的思辨方法,是源自前苏联的“日丹诺夫主义”。王元化撰于1939-1940年的《鲁迅与尼采》《现实主义论》证明“日丹诺夫主义”是其初述文论的理论基点。以1943年为时间起点的“第一次反思”,表明王元化开始质疑“日丹诺夫主义”有掩抑作家人格力量之嫌,但并未提升到方法论水平去否定“日丹诺夫主义”,这就为其六十年代撰《文心雕龙创作论》时全线复活“日丹诺夫主义”埋下伏笔。1976年王元化从黑格尔美学觅得“知性不能把握美”与“情志”两大命题,本可在理论上一举掀翻“日丹诺夫主义”的文艺“本质论”和文艺“功能论”,从而成为改写中国现代文论史进程的领军人物,但因其当年受囿于“日丹诺夫主义”的那块反映论哲学短板,故痛失历史机遇。

关键词: 王元化, 文论方法, 演化, 日丹诺夫主义

Abstract: When Wang Yuanhua was widely acclaimed as a distinguished literary theorist who excelled in both Chinese and Western theories before the 90s, scholars tended to neglect the fact that Zhdanovism which originated from the former Soviet Union had always been his guiding principle and methodology all through his academic career. When he first embarked on literary theory, Zhdanovism was his main theoretical anchor which can be evidenced by his works like Luxun and Nietzsche and On Realism which were produced in 1939 and 1940 respectively.He began to reflect upon Zhdanovism in 1943 for he found that Zhdanovism tend to impair the individuality of the writers. Regretfully he didn't negate Zhdanovism from a methodological level, which paves the way for its revival when he wrote his On the Creation of "The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragon". In 1976, his familiarity with the insights of Hegel could have aided him in subverting Zhdanov's notion about the essence and function of literature and art, thus rewriting the history of modern Chinese literary theory. However, this chance is lost owing to his limitations resulted from his intimacy with Zhdanovism.

Key words: Wang Yuanhua, methods of the literary theory, evolution, Zhdanovism
