
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 87-96.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2012-01-25 发布日期:2012-03-24
  • 作者简介:钱志熙,北京大学中文系教授,文学博士,博士生导师。

A critical Review of Researches into the Poetry of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties in the First Half of the 20th Century

Qian Zhixi   

  1. the Department of the Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University
  • Online:2012-01-25 Published:2012-03-24
  • About author:Qian Zhixi, Ph.D., is a professor with the Department of the Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University.

摘要: 在新的教学和研究体制中发展起来的二十世纪汉魏六朝诗歌研究,体现出旧学与新知复杂交汇的面貌,在古代文学研究中具有一定的典型性。一方面,对它的研究有丰厚的传统积淀。另一方面,学者们从进化论、白话文学、平民文学等新的文学观念中获得了重新建构、阐释诗歌史的话语体系,也发现了一些新的事实,或重新阐述了那些被旧文学史观所忽略的事实,形成了像乐府诗研究这样的热点。随着研究的深入,事实本身也不断地调整研究者的观念与方法,促使一些学者更加全面地认识诗歌史的整体,且不断与旧学呼应,甚至出现向传统方法的回归,旧学与新知、述与作得到了很好的统一,不失为著述文学史的良法。这表明,文学史研究如何融汇中西,沟通新旧,在继承古代丰富的文学史研究传统的基础上获得有力的发展,是今后的文学史家们需要认真思考的问题。

关键词: 文学史, 汉魏六朝诗歌, 文学观念

Abstract: The studies of the poetry of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties, which have developed in a new teaching and academic system, show a combination of classical scholarship and modern approaches and therefore have some representative significance in ancient literature studies. There is a long tradition of such studies and scholars have got new discourse from such fresh literary concepts as the theory of evolution, vernacular literature and popular literature to reconstruct or interpret the history of poetry, and discovered or discussed some new facts, thus making studies of yuefu poetry attract considerable academic attention. As such studies develop, facts begin to readjust scholars' notions and approaches and urge them to understand the history of poetry holistically and in a way that resonates with and even returns to classical scholarship. A combination of classical scholarship and new approaches is a good way of writing the history of poetry. It is necessary for researchers of literary history to reflect on how to integrate the classical and the modern, the west and China in their studies. 

Key words: literary history, poetry of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties, literary concepts
