
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 4-11.

• 专题:中国文体学研究 •    下一篇



  1. 广西师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-01-25 发布日期:2013-02-20
  • 作者简介:胡大雷,文学博士,广西师范大学文学院教授,中国古代文学专业,主要从事中古文学研究。
  • 基金资助:


The Primitive State of Antique Chinese Elenchus in Spoken and Written Style

Hu Dalei   

  1. School of Chinese Literature, Guangxi Normal University
  • Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-02-20
  • About author:Hu Dalei, Ph.D., is a professor of School of Chinese Literature, Guangxi Normal University, with research focus on ancient Chinese literature.

摘要: 从作家创作活动的“口言”“笔书”来考察“难”体,可以得到“难”体原生态的基本情况,大致有三:其一,“难”体的语境、情景、场景包括:“论难”要敢于坚持己见、“论难”胜者能获赏赐、“论难”须求理论的本与逻辑的理、“论难”须有风度、“论难”须有“平议”或沟通、“答难”或为一家之言或“张数家之说”、“论难”须让对方“无以难之”、有时人们只欣赏“论难”本身而“不辩其理之所在”、“论难”主要凭口才等。其二,“难”自身具有的功能,如:或论辩、或责难诘问、或提出疑问疑难;而作家在运用“难”时又有其期望达到的功能,如:以“难”为测试、以“难”为调笑戏弄、设“难”以引发自己的解疑、设“难”以引发对方高见等。其三,“难”的内涵,有时则又能出现在“论”体、“赋”体、“箴”体、“牒”体、“策”体、“章句”体、“记”体、“设论”体、“表奏”体、“书”体、“倡优”体等文中;当“难”的内涵与“难”的外形式重合,这才是纯粹的“难”体;而“难”的内涵与“难”的外形式不重合,其文体探讨的意味更为广泛。

关键词: 难, “难”体, 原生态

Abstract: In antique Chinese writing, elenchus as a form of debate prose takes the form of spoken and written styles, and this paper takes this approach to examine the primitive state of the genre. The paper demonstrates three main aspects of the genre of elenchus in the ancient China. The first concerns with the context, setting and scene of elenchus and there are some principles in the oral elenchus. The second concerns with the functions of elenchus. The third concerns with the connotation of elenchus exhibited in the different styles of the genre. The genre of elenchus comes into being, the paper claims, when the connotation of the debate prose corresponds with the form of the debate prose. When the connotation and the form do not match, the stylistic features can open to more meaningful investigation.

Key words: elenchus, debate prose, primitive state