

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中南大学哲学博士后流动站
  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-06-11
  • 作者简介:常恒畅,文学博士,中南大学哲学博士后流动站研究人员,主要从事近代文学与文化研究。
  • 基金资助:

Collected Essays of the Qing Dynasty and the Concept of Literary History in the Early Twentieth Century

Chang Hengchang   

  1. the Department of Philosophy at Central South University
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:Chang Hengchang, Ph. D., is a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Philosophy at Central South University. His area of academic specialty is modern Chinese literature and culture.
  • Supported by:
    This article is supported by the Youth Project of National Social Sciences Fund (18CZW029).

摘要: 以“保存国粹”为宗旨的《国朝文汇》乃集体编纂而成,黄人可能承担了主要编纂工作。该集以广博著称,其“以人叙次”的编选方式继承《列朝诗集》的体例,又呈现出独有特色:搜集反映新学新知的文章,使总集面貌为之一新;以“经世致用”为主导,且兼顾选文的审美特质;收录大量边疆史地学文章与乡土文献,展现了编者颇为自觉的学术史意识。《国朝文汇》编选受到黄人文学史观潜移默化的影响。黄人对20世纪初西欧、日本文学理论的借鉴与吸纳,使传统文章总集有了接合近代世界文学思潮之可能性,彰显了在中西文化冲突交融背景下文章总集编纂的复杂性与多义性。

关键词: 文章总集, 《国朝文汇》, 编选体例, 黄人, 文学史观

Abstract: Dedicated to "preserving the essence of Chinese culture," Collected Essays of the Qing Dynasty was collaborated by many scholars, among whom Huang Ren possibly undertook the bulk of compilation. Known for its extensiveness, this anthology also features an author-centered editorial style inherited from Collected Poetry of the Ming Dynasty and possesses its unique characteristics. First, it incorporates the most recent articles to refresh the collection. Secondly, it achieves a balance between political practicality and aesthetic quality. Lastly, it encompasses copious articles on frontier geo-history and native-soil literature, which manifests the editors' conscious awareness of academic history. In general, the compilation of Collected Essays of the Qing Dynasty was influenced by Huang Ren's personal view of literature. He learned and absorbed early-twentieth-century Western and Japanese literary theories and thus enabled the confluence of traditional Chinese anthology and the literary trend of the modern world. In the context of China-West acculturation, Collected Essays of the Qing Dynasty serves as a matrix in which the complexity of anthology compilation unfolds.

Key words: literary anthology, Collected Essays of the Qing Dynasty, editorial style, Huang Ren, the concept of literary history
