

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 广州大学人文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:赵雪梅,文学博士,广州大学人文学院讲师,主要从事西方文学理论与批评研究。
  • 基金资助:

A Review of Literary Trauma Theory: Past, Present and Reflection

Zhao Xuemei   

  1. the School of Humanities, Guangzhou University
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Zhao Xuemei, Ph. D., is a lecturer in the School of Humanities, Guangzhou University. Her academic interest is Western literary theory and criticism.
  • Supported by:
    MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences (17YJC751054)

摘要: 近年来,创伤研究作为人文学科的一个重要领域与研究热点日益引起国内学界的关注。就文学领域的创伤研究而言,主要存在以下两方面的问题。其一,创伤研究在文学批评实践与理论探讨两大领域的发展呈现出不平衡的态势,创伤研究者对创伤文学文本批评的偏重造成理论探索相对滞后。已有研究多立足于创伤理论的心理学与精神病学的学科基点,缺乏必要的文学视角作为参照,意味着创伤理论的文学建构仍是一个亟待挖掘与开拓的研究领域。其二,创伤概念产生的历史与文化的情境表征了其与生俱来的西方特性,同时也揭橥了这一概念特有的历史文化语境与研究对象。然而,这一事实长期以来并未引起研究者的足够重视。鉴于此,本文从文学与文化的视角出发,拟对文学中的创伤研究,尤其是文学创伤理论进行探讨,希冀在梳理其历史与现状的基础上,反思其存在的问题与不足,进而推动国内文学创伤理论的相关研究。

关键词: 文学创伤理论, 解构主义, 经典创伤模式, 文化创伤

Abstract: In recent years, trauma studies as an important hotspot of humanities has attracted increasing attention from Chinese academia. As far as trauma studies in the field of literature is concerned, there are mainly two problems. Firstly, researchers have focused more on textual criticism of trauma literature, which has led to a lag in theoretical exploration. Most existing studies are based on trauma theory's disciplinary foundation of psychology and psychiatry, lacking necessary literary perspectives as a reference. Secondly, the historical and cultural context in which the concept of trauma emerges represents its inherent western characteristics and implies its research object. However, this fact has long been neglected. In view of this, from the perspective of literature and culture, this article discusses trauma studies in literature, especially literary trauma theory, by reviewing its history and current situation, and reflecting on its problems and shortcomings, in an attempt to promote studies in literary trauma theory in China.

Key words: literary trauma theory, deconstructivism, classic patterns of trauma, cultural trauma