

• 美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙凤, 屠友祥   

  1. 山东大学文艺美学研究中心
  • 出版日期:2018-11-25 发布日期:2019-03-24
  • 作者简介:孙凤,山东大学文艺美学研究中心博士生,主要从事符号学研究。 屠友祥,文学博士,中山大学中国语言文学系(珠海)教授,主要从事符号学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Explicating the "Meaning Triad" in Lady Welby's Significs

Sun Feng, Tu Youxiang #br#   

  1. the Research Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics at Shandong University
  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2019-03-24
  • About author:Sun Feng is a Ph.D. candidate in the Research Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics at Shandong University. Her academic interest is semiology. Tu Youxiang is a professor in the Department of Chinese at Sun Yat-Sen University. His main research interest is semiology.
  • Supported by:
    This article is funded by the National Social Sciences Foundation (17BZW003) and the MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities (16JJD740014).

摘要: 本文意在探讨“意义三分”何以成为表意学的核心概念,并得出以下结论:“意义三分”是作为“意义科学”的表意学的基础理论,是表意学“翻译-解释”活动的展开依据,是使表意学发展为“意味哲学”的前提,是表意学得以恢复“母性感知”同“父性理智”之关联的关键所在,是对表意学思维方式的凝缩,是表意教育的核心教义。得益于“意义三分”的提出,维尔比夫人的表意学理论确立了语境的重要性,彰显了“对话”与“他性”哲学,将符号论与价值论结合起来,强调人类在符号使用中的责任行为能力,赋予表意学明显的伦理色彩。对“意义三分”在表意学中重要作用的探析,有助于我们理解表意学理论特色之所在,从而深化对表意学的认识。

关键词: 维尔比夫人, 表意学, 意义三分, 感知, 意图, 意味, “翻译-解释”活动

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore why the "Meaning Triad" becomes the core concept of the Significs, and reaches the following conclusions: the "Meaning Triad" is the basic theory of Significs, which, as the science of meaning, is the basis of the extension of the Significs's "translative-interpretive" process, the premise that makes the Significs evolved into "the philosophy of Significance", the crux that makes the Significs to restore the link between "mother-sense" and "father-reason", the epitome of the Significs's thinking manner, and the central doctrine of signific education. Assisted by the concept of the "Meaning Triad", Lady Welby's Signifcs ultimately establishes the importance of context, highlights the philosophy of "dialogue" and "otherness", combines Semiotics with Axiology, emphasizes the capacity of mankind for responsibility of behavior in the use of signs, and brings the Significs with an ethic inclination. Explicating the important role played by the "Meaning Triad" in Significs may contribute to our understanding of the characteristics of Significs theory, which on the other hand will deepen our understanding about Significs.

Key words: Lady Welby, Significs, the meaning triad, sense, meaning, significance, interpretive-translative process