

• 中国特色文论话语体系研究:言象意研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 温州大学人文学院
  • 出版日期:2018-11-25 发布日期:2019-03-24
  • 作者简介:马大康,温州大学人文学院教授,主要研究领域为美学和文艺学。

"Establishing Xiang to Fully Express Idea" and Chinese Aesthetic Culture

Ma Dakang   

  1. the College of Humanities, Wenzhou University
  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2019-03-24
  • About author:Ma Dakang is Professor at the College of Humanities, Wenzhou University, with research interests focus on aesthetics and literary theory.

摘要: “大象”“象罔”并无神秘,实即“非对象性”之状态。人与自然之间从“物我分裂”的对象性关系,经由模仿、想象而建构“物我合一”的非对象性关系,也就进入“大象”之境,由此而体道得意。“立象尽意”就是指由对象性之“象”转换为非对象性之“大象”而体道得意的过程。对“象”与“道”之关系的理解深刻影响着中华民族的文化实践。在文学艺术活动中则体现为“象”与“大象”互换互动互生互释,无论“意象”“意境”“境界”都同时包含着“象”与“大象”,是双方共同构成的张力场,或曰“象—大象”。“象—大象”是中华审美文化的细胞,它生成了中华审美文化的独特品格,也决定着中国古典美学和古代文论独特的思维方式和表述方式。

关键词: 言, 象, 道, 意象, 意境, 审美文化

Abstract: "Daxiang (great image)" and "Xiangwang (beings without trace)" are a state of "Non-Objectivity". Through imitation and imagination, the relationship between human and nature is transformed from object relationship to non-object relationship, which ultimately leads to human understanding of "Tao". This is the meaning of "establishing Xiang to fully express idea". "Yixiang (image)", "Yijing (ideo-mood-imagery)" and "Jingjie (state or realm)" are the fields composed of "Xiang" and "Daxiang", which can be called "Xiang-Daxiang". "Xiang-Daxiang" is the cell of the Chinese aesthetic culture and it produces the unique character of Chinese aesthetic culture, and also determines the unique way of thinking and expression of Chinese classical aesthetics and ancient Chinese literary theory.

Key words: Language, Xiang, Tao, Yixang, Yijing, aesthetic culture