
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 169-176.

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 广东佛山科技学院
  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2017-11-26
  • 作者简介:赵黎明,博士,广东佛山科技学院特聘教授,主要从事中国诗学、中国现当代文学研究。

Oriental Miscellany and Theatre Reform of Modern China

Zhao Liming   

  1. Foshan University (Foshan 528000, China)
  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2017-11-26
  • About author:Zhao Liming, Ph.D., is a professor in Foshan University (Foshan 528000, China), with research interests in modern Chinese literature and Chinese poetics.

摘要: 在新文学发生之初,《东方杂志》自觉为“戏剧改良”提供舆论平台,对中国戏剧改革做出了贡献。在旧戏改良问题上,它提出中国戏剧“三条路”,纠正了新青年派对于旧剧的决裂态度;在译介西方戏剧方面,它注意移植先进的戏剧观念,如自然、进化、写实及悲剧观念等。它还大力提倡剧场改革,介绍西方实验剧经验,促进了“小戏院”在中国的发生发展。作为一家现代媒体,《东方杂志》以一种更为理性、中和与切实的态度,曲折迂回地参与了中国戏剧现代化进程,具有不可忽视的历史价值。

关键词: 《东方杂志》, 中国, 现代戏剧, 改良


At the beginning of the new literature, Oriental Miscellany consciously provided a public platform for advocating theatre reform, and contributed greatly in this aspect. In terms of reforming traditional theatre, it put forward the idea of the three ways for reform, thus correcting the New Youth School's extreme idea of abolishing traditional theatre. As for the introduction of Western drama, it paid attention to transplanting advanced theatre ideas, such as nature, evolution, realism and tragedy. It advocated the reform of theatre space, and introduced Western experimental drama, thus promoting the development of the "little theater" in China. As a modern medium, Oriental Miscellany participated in the process of the modernization of Chinese theatre in an indirect way and with a rational, neutral and practical attitude.

Key words: Oriental Miscellany, modern China, drama, revolution