
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 54-63.

• 会议专辑:事件、理论与艺术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学
  • 出版日期:2016-11-25 发布日期:2017-09-30
  • 作者简介:姜宇辉,哲学博士,华东师范大学哲学系教授,主要从事当代法国哲学与艺术哲学研究。 郑艳,文学博士,华东师范大学音乐系副教授,主要从事作曲技术理论研究。
  • 基金资助:

Black Noise, White Noise, and Ghostly Sound: the Ontology of Noise in the Context of Deleuze's Conception of Event

Jiang Yuhui, Zheng Yan   

  1. East China Normal University (Shanghai 200241, China)
  • Online:2016-11-25 Published:2017-09-30
  • About author:Jiang Yuhui, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University (Shanghai 200241, China). His main research area is contemporary French philosophy and art philosophy. Zheng Yan, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Music, East China Normal University (Shanghai 200241, China). Her research interest covers composition and music theory, interdisciplinary research on music analysis and philosophy.

摘要: 德勒兹的事件概念错综复杂,贯穿于其思想发展的不同阶段。《意义的逻辑》中对斯多葛哲学的独到阐释无疑是这个发展历程的真正发端。通过细致辨析斯多葛学派关于“非实体”、因果性、两种时间性的相关理论,我们得以真正理解“事件”在本体论上的优先性,并由此清除笼罩于这部著作之上的浓重的精神分析和结构主义的氛围,呈现出德勒兹早期思想中所隐含的深刻启示。而晚近的思辨实在论关于感性介质和神秘因果的学说则是对这一线索的最为极端但也最有创意的发展。其中尤其体现出与当代噪音艺术的内在关联。通过缕析20世纪噪音艺术的不同变革形态,噪音作为事件性本体的基本特征亦逐步呈现,由此不仅结合艺术领域的具体案例深化了哲学思辨,更是对事件概念进一步提出了新的理解的可能。

关键词: 事件, 非实体, 四维物, 噪音

Abstract: As a complicated concept, Deleuze's "event" has traversed different phases of his thinking. However, one should always return to Logique du sens to have a thorough and proper understanding of this idea. Through detailed interpretation of the Stoic theory about "incorporeal", causality and temporality, this article intends to justify the ontological priority of event. The most recent arguments from the speculative realism have also shed a new light on this guiding line implicit in LS. This emerging correlation took its initial shape especially through the contemporary noise music that not only serves as the figurative counterpoint to the philosophical argument, but dramatically expands the theoretical horizon towards terre incognito.

Key words: event, incorporeal, four-dimensional object, noise