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    Chinese Literary Critical Discourse
  • Chinese Literary Critical Discourse
    Chen Jianhui
    2019, 39(4): 1-9.
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    Chen Shih-Hsiang's argument that Chinese literature is destined to be dominated by lyricism because lyrical spirit is a tradition in Chinese literature has a far-reaching scholarly influence. By tracing the development of the lyrical tradition of Chinese prose, this article summarizes three emotional patterns — "leaving and returning," "joy and worry," and "happiness and sorrow." In terms of lyrical standpoints and content, Western lyricism tend to focus on individual liberations and dreams of an ideal world, emphasizing subject value of individuals and the expression of self-feelings, while Chinese lyrical proses pay more attention to the unity of personal expression and sociality. In terms of lyrical techniques, Western lyricism are more explicit expressions of feelings, by projecting feelings on scenery. Such a strategy is also seen in Chinese lyrical prose, but more often than not, it implicitly combines the expressions of emotion with description of scenery. Chinese prose not only has its unique characteristics, grace and verve, but also contains the cultural spirit, cultural gene and emotional codes of the Chinese nation. It is a great literary heritage of China, and also a reliable source of cultural consciousness and cultural confidence.

  • Chinese Literary Critical Discourse
    Zhao Qiang
    2019, 39(4): 10-22.
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    Over the last century, the legitimacy of Chinese aesthetics has been gradually confirmed in the studies of aesthetics and the writings of the history of aesthetics by Chinese and Western scholars. Cultural exchanges between China and the West have promoted the indigenization of aesthetics in China and deconstructed the universality of Western aesthetics, thus giving rise to the plural concept of "world aesthetics", which paved the way for the modern construction of "Chinese aesthetics". Due to its importance, the way to interpret Chinese aesthetics has become "the meta-question" that promotes the study and writing of the history of "Chinese aesthetics".

  • Issue in Focus: Material, Midea, and Technology: Frontiers of Contemporary Literary Theory
  • Issue in Focus: Material, Midea, and Technology: Frontiers of Contemporary Literary Theory
    Yang Guang
    2019, 39(4): 23-32.
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    Friedrich Kittler is an important media theorist and a unique critic of media literature. Kittler examines the discourse network constructed by the technical media between 1800s and 1900s, and concludes that "media determine our situation." This conclusion can be understood as a media ontology that emphasizes the materiality and the preexistence of technical media. An analysis of the relationship between Kittler's media theory and Foucault's discourse theory may reveal triple-aspected logic behind the formation of Kittler's media ontology and the logic behind the transition from issues concerning media ontology to issues concerning literature. Through his media ontology, Kittler makes the ontological argument that "literature is a system of writing techniques," And he further expands the arena of literary theory which is centered round "writing," "mediatedness" and "materiality,"and this theoretical vision is suffused with post-hermeneutics and post-historicism in its examination of literature and literary history.

  • Issue in Focus: Material, Midea, and Technology: Frontiers of Contemporary Literary Theory
    Han Moyong
    2019, 39(4): 33-38.
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    The situational writing of cyber literature displays three typical modes: the spatial sights, the virtual reality, and the locality narrative. Despite their differences, they all tend to shape and characterize through such elements as position, site, space, and visuality. These tendencies and features distinguish cyber writing from conventional literary writing and lead to changes in literature. Specifically, in terms of the relationship between literature and reality, literature begins to be transformed from imitating reality into augmenting reality. Conventional writing, based on imitation, pursues truth behind its fictive surface, while cyber writing is virtual in nature despite its surface verisimilitude. In terms of extrinsic aesthetic quality, literature enacts a turn from temporal art to spatial art. The situational writing of cyber literature highlights the visualilty inliterature, creates a juxtaposed spatial structure and constructs a mobile positioning site.
  • Issue in Focus: Material, Midea, and Technology: Frontiers of Contemporary Literary Theory
    Liu Tairan
    2019, 39(4): 39-48.
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    Marx raised the issue of "the historicization of senses", arguing that the fundamental feature to distinguish humans from animals is that humans can use their techniques to foresee certain types of things in the future which are not given by the nature but are created by humans. However, issues such as the relationships between technology and the body, between technology and labor, and between technology and the ways of human-sensing invite further investigation. Chinese artistic experience enables us to separate "historicization of senses" from "technologization of senses" under new historical conditions, and then we may reflect on the globalization and homogenization of "ways of seeing" brought by technologization, and further reflect on our loss of abilities to understand the existential situation and our failure to imagine a possible life.
  • Issue in Focus: Material, Midea, and Technology: Frontiers of Contemporary Literary Theory
    Zhang Zhengbo
    2019, 39(4): 49-57.
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    The harmony between humankind and Thing is the normative basis on which ecological balance and stable social development are maintained. With the development of industrial revolution, information technology, and neurosciences, this due harmony has been disturbed by such crises of modernity as the schism between humankind and Thing, the excessive connection between humankind and Thing, and the bewildered in-betweenness of humankind and Thing. These predicaments may lead to consequences like ecological imbalance, moral bankruptcy, emotional distortion, and even the destruction of human beings. In this regard, it is through returning to the "undifferentiated world," facilitating the mutual exchange between humankind and Thing, and fostering their reciprocal coexistence that the crisis of in-betweenness can be fundamentally solved.
  • Issue in Focus: Style of Ancient Chinese Fiction
  • Issue in Focus: Style of Ancient Chinese Fiction
    Xu Dajun
    2019, 39(4): 61-76.
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    The Song dynasty saw the development of telling historical stories in both official functions and folk gatherings, and both occasions reflect the popularization of historical knowledge not only in these occasions but also in the sociocultural environment. Artisan's storytelling performance and popular history books represent two representational forms of the oral and written products, and historical storytelling scripts thus emerged. These scripts are the results of the popularization of historical knowledge, the prosperity of popular historical books, the attitude to and the ability in vernacular Chinese during the Yuan dynasty. In this process, the style of expression of historical storytelling was gradually incorporated into popular history books. This is, the paper argues, not because of development of artistry of telling but because of the textualization in the process of writing story scripts.
  • Issue in Focus: Style of Ancient Chinese Fiction
    Liu Xiaojun
    2019, 39(4): 77-87.
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    The change of early modern fiction's language style was closely related to the language innovation movement. Under the impetus of the movement of oral-written languages integration and the movement of national language unification, the language style of early modern fiction saw a decline in the influence of classical Chinese language and an increase in vernacular Chinese language. In this process, vernacular Chinese language absorbed the essence of classical Chinese language, received the influence of translated works, and combined the elements of classical and mandarin Chinese languages, thus forming a heteroglossia style. The completion of the change in the style of early modern fiction provided a solid foundation and abundant resources for the emergence of modern fiction's language style.
  • Issue in Focus: Style of Ancient Chinese Fiction
    Zhou Jinfeng
    2019, 39(4): 88-98.
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    Ancient Chinese fiction had a very close relationship with history. The development of historiography led to the separation of history books. Miscellaneous history and fiction were the products of this process, hence the idea of "the remaining of history". From history to miscellaneous history and to fiction, historicity gradually declined and fictionality increased, in which miscellaneous history became transitional between history to fiction, hence its dual nature. Miscellaneous history had both connection to and difference from fiction. They both had the function of persuasion and supplementing history, but also had many differences in content and style.
  • Classical Literary Theory and Criticism
  • Classical Literary Theory and Criticism
    Yan Qingyu
    2019, 39(4): 97-109.
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    Issues of the public and the private have been discussed thoroughly in the history of thought, while it is yet to be developed in the field of literary history. Zhang Xuecheng's idea of "publicness of language" can be regarded as an inspiring beginning. From Zhang Xuecheng's perspective, the issues of the public and the private of classical Chinese poetics can be discussed from three dimensions, namely, ownership, originality, and authorship. The tendency of privatization and the balance between the public and the private in classical Chinese poetics is clear in the discussions on the formation of and response to ownership, the pursuit of originality and the poetics of self-satisfaction, and the authority of authors and poetic community.
  • Classical Literary Theory and Criticism
    Tang Haoyu
    2019, 39(4): 110-119.
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    Poetry and fu (prosy ode) both flourished during the Tang dynasty, and thus with the mutual infiltration and development of poetry and fu, there was a phenomenon of using poetical lines in the title of fu, which influenced its content and purport. This phenomenon also reflected similarities and differences of poetry and fu in expressions and characteristics, and clearly revealed the trend of confluence of poetry and fu in the development of literary styles during the Tang dynasty. This article lists all the works in The Complete Fu of the Tang Dynasty that used poetry in titles and analyzes their intention and writing techniques. Some of them had the same purport as the original poetry, while some decontextualized the original for new purposes. By combining the writing techniques of comparison (bi), affective image (xing) and exposition (fu), these works simultaneously had the lyrical quality and artistic conception of poetry, and exhibited the strengths of fu in exposition and discussion. When the title of fu was a poetical line that described the scenery, fu extended unsaid content in the original poem by means of exposition, and at the same time established new space and tension through reasonable imaginative extension. This kind of fu exemplified fu's approach to poetry during the Tang dynasty, which reflected the vigorous vitality of the authors in exploring the feature and limit of literary styles.
  • Classical Literary Theory and Criticism
    Liu Guochao
    2019, 39(4): 120-129.
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    As two prominent representative poets in the Northern Song dynasty, Su Shi and Huang Tingjian set the key of poetry of the Song dynasty. The ranking of Su and Huang against each other has always been contested in  poetry criticism of the Song dynasty. The first wave of the contention culminated during the two Song Dynasties, when there appeared tour types of critics, namely,  "Huang-esteemers," "Esteemers for both Su and Huang," "Su-esteemers" and "Censurer of both Su and Huang". The appreciation of Su and Huang's poems and the transformation of critical practices during this period reflected the diversification of poetic preferences, promoting the establishment of the poetry styles of the "Four Great Poets in the Zhongxing Era."
  • Classical Literary Theory and Criticism
    Chen Miaodan
    2019, 39(4): 130-138.
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    The discussion between Mencius and the King Xuan of Qi on music was aimed at political benevolence, and "the music of today derives from the music of antiquity" was not Mencius's deliberate theorization. As this concept has no further elaboration in its original context, it has caused intellectual controversies for later generations. Basically, scholars of the Song dynasty denied the notion from historical and Neo-Confucian perspectives, while those of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties accepted it by justifying the value of "the music of today." Among the supporters, there were two different voices, that is, to consider "the music of today" as a revival of "the music of antiquity" and to value "the music of today" for its own sake. While the former signified post-Song Confucian's mainstream opinion on literature and art, which is substantially consistent with the previous denials of "the music of today," it was the latter that laid theoretical foundations for the independent development of "the music of today" ever since. Under the influence of these two concepts, Mencius's idea of "the music of today derives from the music of antiquity" has been not only pronounced among critics but also extensively cited as argument in art studies.
  • Studies in Western Literary Theory and Aesthetics
  • Studies in Western Literary Theory and Aesthetics
    Jean-Michel Rabaté
    2019, 39(4): 139-145.
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    In order to respond to Kyoo Lee's theses on reading, this essay focuses on obscurity and difficulty, terms often associated with modernism. Moving from a controversy opposing Mallarmé and Proust in the last decade of the 19th century to Lacan's use of a Mallarmean language when he describes how symptoms can be read, that is not by thinking naïvely that we are "poets" but by understanding that we are unconsciously scripted "poems," the essay posits a mediation provided by Ezra Pound when he invents both Comparative Literature and Translation Studies.

  • Western Literary Theory and Studies in Aesthetics
  • Western Literary Theory and Studies in Aesthetics
    Li Hongxiang
    2019, 39(4): 146-154.
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    The concept of beauty has been abused in contemporary popular aesthetics, which attributes the beautiful to the superficial experience of human body and fails to understand the spirituality of true beauty. In contrast to beauty in everyday sense, true beauty exists in ecstasy, a holistic experience integrating body and mind, in which people may feel a transcendental sense of reality. Different from pathological illusion, the ecstatic sense of beauty signifies nature's manifestation in human life and testifies to the intrinsic harmony between humankind and the universe. Through the lens of ecstasy, this article examines true beauty in three dimensions: reflections on the conceptual abuse of beauty and traditional idealist aesthetics, mania theory's description of aesthetic phenomenon, and the distinction between aesthetic and pathological phenomena in ecstatic experiences. Overall, the ecstatic sense of beauty is the experiential basis of true beauty. It represents both the universe and the human being's advanced spirituality. Once occurred, it will fundamentally change the subject's outlook.

  • Western Literary Theory and Studies in Aesthetics
    Wang Jiajun
    2019, 39(4): 155-167.
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    Levinas's and Blanchot's literary theory coalesced while maintained a tension in between. They both tried to break through Heidegger's ontological literary theory, but Levinas used "the other", and Blanchot used "the outside" as the weapons to achieve this goal. In general, Levinas and Blanchot showed us two different and yet connected ethics and literature. The former intended to use ethics to transcend the totality of philosophy, but ultimately found the literary language in the depth of this ethics, which made the ethics become literary; the latter intended to use literature to transcend the identity of philosophy, but ultimately found the ethics in the search for the outside and the other in literature, which made literature become ethical. These two kinds of ethics and literature interwove marvelously, just like the friendship that Blanchot described.
  • Western Literary Theory and Studies in Aesthetics
    Dong Shubao
    2019, 39(4): 168-176.
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    Writing is one of the key words in Derrida's deconstructive philosophy. In his Of Grammatology, Derrida refers to the claims of writing from Plato to Rousseau and down to Saussure,  confuting their idea that "writing is the image of speech". However, Derrida, inspired by Saussure's principle of difference that "in language there are only differences," and expounds the relationship between writing and difference, by which he transforms Saussure's static difference into the dynamic difference. Writing plays the game of difference in simulacra, and fills up the simulacrum in the supplemental movement of "image", Writing finally becomes a roaming orphan, which is nothing but the simulacrum.
  • Modern and Contemporary Literary Theory
  • Modern and Contemporary Literary Theory
    Song Jianhua
    2019, 39(4): 177-185.
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    The new literature relies on the form of "natural person" to pursue the ideals of "self" and "freedom", which indeed promoted the historical progress of Chinese society. However, this type of absolute "self" and "freedom" also directly destabilized the ethical relationship in traditional culture, thus making people's behavior disordered. Once the "self" was placed above society and broke away from the control of social moral norms, the opposition between the "self" and society emerged, and the "self" eventually fell into ideological confusion as it could no longer exist. For new literature, the shift from blind optimism to rational thinking in order to understand "individual liberation" was very complicated, which left us many experiences and lessons worth serious summarization.
  • Modern and Contemporary Literary Theory
    Guo Bingru
    2019, 39(4): 186-193.
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    The Zhanghui novel epitomizes classical Chinese fiction and is one of the main constituents of its narrative tradition. The different and varying understandings of zhanghui novels by new literature in different historical periods influenced not only the relationship between new literature and "old tradition," but also, significantly, the concept of modern fiction and its creative practice. Despite Western literature's impact on modern Chinese fiction, it still developed in close relation to old traditions, including the zhanghui novel. This phenomenon displays new literature's complicated relationships with literary tradition, historical context and social reality, as well as its historical trajectory of genesis, development and transformation.
  • Modern and Contemporary Literary Theory
    Xu Xu
    2019, 39(4): 194-203.
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    Chen Duxiu's motive for writing "Towards a Literary Revolution" has been widely understood on the political level. This conception is based on its historical consequence and therefore controversial among scholars. To put the article into its original context, a solid correlation can be found between the debate on literary revolution and the slogan of "reforming national characters." Combined with the anti-Confucian revolution back then and the textual performance of the article, it can be argued that, for Chen Duxiu, the concern of ethics was more imperative than that of society or politics. In this view, to reconnect "Towards a Literary Revolution" with the practices of new literature and the concept of "literature of humanity" is conducive to reevaluate the article's significance to modern Chinese literature.
  • Modern and Contemporary Literary Theory
    Xie Huiying
    2019, 39(4): 204-218.
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    In the late 1920s, the debates about the nature, function, direction and position of "revolutionary literature" were accompanied by various conflicting voices. In each stage of the revolutionary literature developed afterwards, there were "alien" elements that diverged from literary mainstream and authoritative discourse. With the development of history, these "alien" authors constantly developed and finally formed a continuous genealogy of heresy. In the context where mainstream culture became increasingly conservative and ideological discipline turned stricter, they were gripped in a historical dilemma. Originally, Chen Duxiu and Lu Xun were two revolutionaries with the same ultimate goal, but they had different characteristics in aspects of personalities, behaviors and ways to pursue the goal, thus being the two sources of the "heretical quality" in revolutionary literature. From the perspective of deep spititual structure, the "heretical quality" of revolutionary literature contains a type of tension between the pursuit of modernity and the impulse of a modern nation-state.