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    25 May 2016, Volume 36 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Conference Highlights: Reflections on Literary Theory: Retrospect and Prospect
    Different Types of Modern Chinese Literary Criticism
    Xu Zidong
    2016, 36 (3):  6-13. 
    Abstract ( 295 )   PDF (5533KB) ( 67 )  
    In the development of modern Chinese literary criticism since the May Fourth movement, stylistic criticism flourished in the 1920s which resulted in partisan criticism in the 1930s. Organized by the left-wing groups, partisan criticism was divided into three different types, known as "criticism of the others," "internal debate" and "top-down approach," with differed historical contexts, writing styles and strategies. Their evolution, integration and transformation deeply influenced the development of modern and contemporary Chinese literature. It was until the 1980s that academic-style literary criticism, developed in the 1940s, had a direct impact on contemporary Chinese literature. In the Internet Age, many new types of criticism based on different ideological and commercial manipulation have aroused and posed a big challenge to the tradition of literary criticism.
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    Cognitive Thinking and Contemporary Chinese Theory of Literature and Art
    Yang Shousen
    2016, 36 (3):  14-22. 
    Abstract ( 216 )   PDF (6649KB) ( 58 )  
    Due to the specificity of historical development, mores of the age and cultural tradition, contemporary Chinese theory of literature and art is dominated by what Hegel termed as the pragmatic, isolated and partial cognitive thinking. Cognitive thinking has till recently been under its negative impact to the extent that the views on many issues have gone into the extreme. In order to promote the development of the contemporary Chinese theory of literature and art and the renaissance of national culture, we should understand the relationship between sensibility, intellectuality and reason, and be wary of extreme deficiencies of intellectuality by emphasizing on the intellectual and rational thinking.
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    The Principles and Significance of a Research Paradigm for Deep Integration and Transformation in Liberal Arts and Humanities Studies
    Liu Lili
    2016, 36 (3):  23-33. 
    Abstract ( 150 )   PDF (8197KB) ( 58 )  
    The paper proposes a research paradigm for the deep integration and transformation in the liberal arts and humanities. It takes as its cases the three categories of literary canons, story and methodology and their deep integration and transition. Through case studies, the paper concludes that the new issue emerged from the deep integration and transformation presents a better approach to deepen the research because a new issue raised for any category in the liberal arts and humanities implies an internal mechanism which requires for deep integration and transformation of issues so as to find a new approach and logic to the resulting issue. The significance of the research paradigm lies in its construction of a new and operational platform by which new problems can be revealed, and the category integrated shows both the original and the synchronic functional features.
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    The Logic Construction of the Principles of "Aesthetics of Pleasant Feeling"
    Qi Zhixiang
    2016, 36 (3):  34-43. 
    Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (7499KB) ( 53 )  
    This paper is a general introduction to aesthetics of pleasant feeling, aiming at explicating its logic structure. The fundamental function of aesthetics as a philosophy of beauty is to produce pleasant feeling, and the paper claims that the principles of aesthetics can be termed as the principles of aesthetics of pleasant feeling. On the basis of reconstruction after deconstruction of the definition and methodology, this paper argues that beauty is pleasant object with values, and built on this definition of beauty, the paper explores into the category, laws, characteristics, forms and styles of aesthetics and the characteristics of aesthetic practice. The paper hopes to be a systematic thought on how to fill in the gap left behind by anti-essentialist deconstructive aesthetics.
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    Issue in Focus: Studies on Xia Chengtao
    A Critical Review of Xia Chengtao's Views on the History of Ci-Poetry and the Construction of the History
    Qian Zhixi
    2016, 36 (3):  46-67. 
    Abstract ( 204 )   PDF (16293KB) ( 61 )  
    Xiao Chengtao's views on the history of ci-poetry and the construction of the history resulted from his research and creative practice. One of Xia's key views was that the delicate restraint style was not to be termed as the orthodox, and this view broke away from the established understanding in the history of ci-poetry and enables Xia to reflect from a broader context on the ci-poetry history and the dualistic classification of ci-poetry. Xia's reflection on Changzhou School's view of ci-poetry history was of special importance to his views. His contributions to the study of ci-poetry included his elucidation of the individualistic lyrical tradition of literati poets, his argumentation on the boundary between ci-poetry and shi-poetry, and his claims of not breaking down or playing down the style of ci-poetry. Xia could both inherit the ancient ideas and absorb the new ideas to develop his own ideas and his non-conformist academic standpoint also made him a unique voice in the history of ci-poetry criticism and study.
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    A New Terrain of Textual Research: On Xia Chengtao's Study on Jiang Kui's Ci-Poetry 
    Guan Qin
    2016, 36 (3):  68-77. 
    Abstract ( 244 )   PDF (6939KB) ( 59 )  
    Prof. Xia Chengtao started his studies on ci-poetry in the late 1920s, with a focus on Jiang Kuia. Prof. Xia's remarkable contributions to Jiang Kui Studies include his final colloation of Jiang Kui's music for ci-poems, textual studies on various editions of Jiang Kui's works, and insightful examination and interpretation of Jiang Kui's poetic intent upon explorations into his life. His grand and detailed book Annotations to Jiang Baishi’s Ci-Poems in Chronological Order is a classic and model in ancient texts collation and research, and his methods opens a new terrain of textual criticism for 20th-century study on ci-poetry.
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    Xia Chengtao's Ballad-Form Poetry and His Innovational Thought about Poetry Types
    Xin Xiaojuan
    2016, 36 (3):  78-88. 
    Abstract ( 240 )   PDF (7289KB) ( 53 )  
    Famous ci-poetry scholar Xia Chengtao also attained highly in ancient poetry creation, and he was especially devoted to the song-form poetry but his achievements have not been done justice to in the academic circle. His poetic idea shown in his writing turns from his early unconventional diction to later plain style, and it reflects his pursuit of transformation of poetic forms. In the 1930s and 1940s when the social changes were drastic, Xia Chengtao tried to blend the ballad form with ci-poetic lyrics so as to create a new form. This paper examines Xia Chengtao's comments on ballad-form poetry in his Diaries of Learning Ci-Poems in Tianfeng Chamber and delineates his ballad-form poems in his Collected Poems from Tianfeng Chamber to examine his creative practice and traces his poetic transformation.
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    Studies in Western Literary Theory and Aesthetics
    A Critique of Chernyshevsky
    Li Jianjun
    2016, 36 (3):  89-110. 
    Abstract ( 183 )   PDF (8804KB) ( 47 )  
    In Chernyshevsky's literary criticism practice, reality has the absolute dominance over arts, and this leads to the extremity in his aesthetic concept, resulting in the one-dimensional, closed and narrow understanding of his aesthetics. This paper takes his concept of "life" as starting point to analyze his key views and examine the legitimacy and limitations of his utilitarianism, and tries to do justice to the acuteness, straightforwardness and prejudice in his literature criticism.
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    The Destiny of Art: On Jean Baudrillard's Aesthetic Thought
    Wan Shuyuan
    2016, 36 (3):  101-109. 
    Abstract ( 170 )   PDF (6499KB) ( 32 )  
    Baudrillard claims that contemporary world is a transparent world characterized by excess, while contemporary art is an obscene world in which the reality is excessive and illusion is deficient. Art has been made entirely deviated from its essence. Therefore, Baudrillard therefore calls for the return of art to its inherent way from "something" back to "nothing," returning to a form of illusion or a form of other-worldness. At the same time, Baudrillard also points out that art as a form has its own destiny, a destiny of seduction. As form of seduction, art should also become a symbolic poetics, a poetics of illusion with an uniqueness and originality and with secret or mystery.
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    From "Revolution" to "Practice" in Everyday Life: The Future of Life Aesthetics as Seen from the Failure of the Situationist International
    Liu Yuedi
    2016, 36 (3):  110-129. 
    Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (7495KB) ( 85 )  
    Although the construction of situations plays a key role in the Situationist International (SI) and the spectacle has become the presented image and method of presentation in the modern world, everyday life becomes another key word which has also run through the whole history of the Situtionist International. The relationship between spectacle and life has taken such a form that life is the foundation of the society with spectacle being the symptom of the society and life is fluid with spectacle being its external phenomenon. SI has realized its historical transition from revolution to practice in everyday life, and the transition shows both in Guy Debord's changing standpoint from The Society of the Spectacle to his own Comments on the Society of the Spectacle and in the changing theses from Raoul Vaneigem's Revolution of Everyday Life to Michel de Certeau's Practice of Everyday Life. Situationism, like Dadaism and Surrealism, seeks to break the boundary between art and life, but it surpasses Dadaism and Surrealism through its creation of art by way of destroying art. The failure of SI can be attributed to its loss of inner agency as well as the decline of the art movement, and the reasons for the failure show in the three aspects of commercialization, individuation and aestheticization. Today, although SI has failed, life aesthetics has learned a lesson from the failure, and a set of aesthetic politics can be developed into a new direction that is aligned with the profound transition from politics of emancipation to politics of life.
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    Common Sense, Nature of the Mind and Humanism: A Study on Kant's Aesthetic Taste
    Lv Liqun
    2016, 36 (3):  120-127. 
    Abstract ( 354 )   PDF (5863KB) ( 58 )  
    Kant's aesthetic taste as he had expounded in his Critique of Judgment is not only the foundation for further research on aesthetics but also an important methodological significance. A detailed examination of such concepts as common sense, communicability and disinterestedness reveals the essential characteristics of aesthetic taste and its wide application range in the human domain. In the context of the crisis in the contemporary world, re-examination of the aesthetic taste may provide us a new perspective on the world and human affairs.
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    From the Text Game to the Source of Violence: the Idea of Mimesis in Derrida and Girard
    Lu Cheng
    2016, 36 (3):  128-135. 
    Abstract ( 208 )   PDF (6093KB) ( 33 )  
    Although the mimetic theory of representation was no longer the mainstream of western literary theory since the 19th century, the idea of regarding arts and literature as the result of "mimetic" acts still has tremendous impact today. Taking Derrida's deconstructive theory of mimesis and Rene Girand's anthropological theory of mimesis as examples and focusing on mimesis as text game and the source of violence, this article attempts to demonstrate that the logic of mimesis is still deeply rooted in the discourse of literary theory nowadays. As the minetic theory has the ethical dimension of relating to others and heterogeneity through non-violence, it is capable of directly confronting social conflicts and dilemmas in contemporary thoughts. The mimetic theory is a product of ceaseless violence.
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    Modern and Contemporary Literary Theory and Criticism
    The Cultural Nature of Material Objects and the Return Route of Material Culture
    Xu Liang
    2016, 36 (3):  136-141. 
    Abstract ( 245 )   PDF (4387KB) ( 62 )  
    Material object is a sign which exists in the system of meaning discrimination and expression, and it is a concept in culture. Material objects in consumer society show the features of a system that is dominated by cultural ideas with the human sense of orientation. The development of material culture in consumer society necessitates the insatiable pursuit of material objects, because the prospect of material objects comprises the man-material relationship in consumer society and the foothold of consumer society falls on material. As the pursuit is based on the substantiality of material and it tries to avoid the certainty of death, the foundation is unstable and the result is the sense of helplessness in face of death. Transformative operations of signs can lead to different orientations of meaning, and the orientation should be chosen on the basis of good instead of truth. The cultural project that rests on material will not lead us to the orientation of good.
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    The Inheritance of Misty Poetry's Tradition and the Crisis of New Poetry
    Xu Guoyuan
    2016, 36 (3):  142-149. 
    Abstract ( 222 )   PDF (5727KB) ( 43 )  
    The paper aims to analyze how the Misty Poetry inherited Chinese poetry tradition and how the inheritance resulted in the spiritual crisis and the entailing crisis of Chinese contemporary poetry. The Misty Poetry tries to conceal its inheritance of Chinese modern poetry with an explicit anti-traditional gesture, but due to the unbridgeable gap between the poets' self and the cultural and historical tradition, the Misty poets could not but fall into the deep trap of nihilism. The essential influence on the Misty Poetry has been the early Western modernism, especially the Symbolism, and the Misty Poetry could hardly be said to have mastered the essence of modern poetry. The Misty Poetry envisioned a turn but also resulted in a crisis in the development of contemporary Chinese new poetry.
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    The Cultural Political Significance of Form: On the Musical Practices of the New Worker's Art Troupe
    Guo Chunlin
    2016, 36 (3):  150-160. 
    Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (7787KB) ( 50 )  
    The paper examines the musical practice of the New Worker's Art Troupe from the perspective of cultural study, and focuses on the cultural political significance of forms in their practice. As a new kind of organization, the New Worker's Art Troupe purposely keeps a defiant posture to distance itself from cultural industry. They showcase many popular music works to the grass roots free of charge and their music works are usually imbued with keen sense of reality, adopting folk song's melodies and singing in dialects, and the paper observes that their musical practice is realizing the concept of "people's literature and art" and that this points to a new direction for the literature and art's development.  
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    The Encounter Between François Cheng and Contemporary French Poetry
    Wu Chunfeng
    2016, 36 (3):  161-170. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (7088KB) ( 126 )  
    François Cheng is the first person of Chinese origin elected to the French Academy. He has authored creative writings of poetry and fiction, with both Chinese Daoist philosophical wisdom and Western logical reasoning. This paperattempts to adopt a synchronic perspective and the thematic approach of criticism to explore how Cheng's poetry encounters contemporary French poetry so as to find out the common spirit behind the two cultures. The shared concept ofliterary writingbetween Cheng and the French poets is investigated from three aspects of the unknownness of the world, feeling and its subject, and the art of in-between writing so as to locate Cheng's poetry among contemporary poetry and outline the development of contemporary French poetry and locate Cheng among contemporary poets.
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    Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons and the Study on Texts in the Ming Dynasty
    Bai Jianzhong
    2016, 36 (3):  171-177. 
    Abstract ( 259 )   PDF (4933KB) ( 61 )  
    The study of Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons emerged in the Ming Dynasty for many reasons, among which the Six-Dynasty School's attention to the work was an important factor. The influence of Literary Mind was so great in the Ming-Dynasty study on texts that the first monograph on text study A General Survey of Literary Texts (Wen Tong) was written in the style of Literary Mind in late Ming Dynasty. Some of the influential and important concepts in Wen Tong were either inherited from or developed upon Literary Mind, which showed that the Ming-Dynasty scholars could both inherit the legacy of literary text studies and develop their own academic field.
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    Classical Literary Theory and Criticism
    The Influence of Shangqing Taoist Sect's Meditation Method on the Pre-Song-Dynasty Fictions
    Wan Qingchuan
    2016, 36 (3):  178-189. 
    Abstract ( 280 )   PDF (8615KB) ( 64 )  
    Shangqing Taoist Sect's meditation method of "thought-holding" was similar to literary imagination in that it was characterized by a pictorial thinking, and this method inserted deep influence on the Taoist fiction writing in the pre-Song Dynasty. Some authors writing about immortal beings sat in meditation in front of the portraiture and wrote their novels, and some authors wrote out of their mystic illusions resulted from long and intensive meditation, and some authors wrote out of supernatural inspirations. The descriptions about the geography, plants, the clothes and pageants of the immortals reflected the influence from the Taoist portraiture and the process of writing followed the process of Taoist meditation method. The paper concludes that Taoist meditative method greatly broadens the literary imagination in ancient Chinese literature and has profound influence on later Taoist fictions and popular novel writing.
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    Dream of the Red Chamber Internet Fan Fiction and Literary Canonicity
    Carlos Rojas
    2016, 36 (3):  190-200. 
    Abstract ( 199 )   PDF (10603KB) ( 76 )  
    This article considers the contemporary genre of Internet fan fiction inspired by Dream of the Red Chamber, which is to say Chinese novels published over the Internet that take the plot of Dream of the Red Chamber as their starting point. Through a close textual analysis of thematics of incestuous desire, reproduction, and vestigial remains in two works of Dream of the Red Chamber fan fiction, he argues that these contemporary novels comment allegorically not only on their own relationship to Dream of the Red Chamber itself, but also on more abstract processes of literary production and canon formation.
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    On the Literary Ideas of the Yangming School
    Xue Qingtao
    2016, 36 (3):  201-208. 
    Abstract ( 243 )   PDF (6336KB) ( 54 )  
    The literary idea of the Yangming School is grounded in their concept of "conscience," which differs in part  from Cheng-Zhu school. In terms of relationship between the literature and Confucian ideas, Yangming School's belief is that literary reation may not be necessarily in conflict with those idleas, which is against Chengzhu School's claim of "literalure does harm to Confucian ideas," and Yaming Schol's argument helps to relieve the intense relationship between literature and Cunfucianism. Inlerms of literariness, Yangming School advocates sincerity in expression instead of indulgence in the art of rhetoric. In terms of literary creation, it opposes the simulation of the stereotyped form in canonized works and promotes a simple way of writing from the heart. Finally, on the function of literature, it still emphasizes the practical value of literature such as conveying the Confucian ideas and promoting the conscience. While Yangming School's literary idea on the whole does not go beyond the limitations of neo-Confucianism, its emphasis on sincerity in expression and simple diction had direct impact on the late MingDynasty literary idea of "natural spirit".
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    The Two Worlds and the Tragic Sense in Chen Yinque's Poetics
    Pan Jingru
    2016, 36 (3):  209-216. 
    Abstract ( 244 )   PDF (5367KB) ( 54 )  
    Chen Yinque was also a prolific poet, and his poems were full of metaphor and innuendo. Chen's poetry can be traced in spirit and culture back to his father Chen Sanli's influence, and also allows the reader to have a glimpse of his melancholic nature. These two strands of influence contribute to the two distinct worlds of images in his poetry, one pointing to the impermanent yet everlasting realistic world, and the other pointing to the other side of this world. The former world is composed of flowers and people and human affairs, while the latter is composed of the opposite visions between the heaven and the human, and both worlds are internally connected with his tragic sense and tragic fate.
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