Call for Papers
Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art (ISSN 0257-0254) is a most highly-recognized peer-reviewed journal in China, and has been listed in Scopus and Ebsco. TSLA, launched in 1980 bimonthly, publishes original articles in Chinese or English in arts and humanities, especially literary studies. We cover any topic/issue involving, of, about or on but not confined to China in the fields of literary theory, critical theory, aesthetics, philosophy of art, cultural studies, etc.
We welcome articles of 6000-12000 words in length, following MLA style (the seventh edition). In the “Works Cited” section, English translations of all works cited must be provided.
Your contribution should have a front page containing the title of the work, an abstract not exceeding 300 words, 3 to 5 key words, and author information including full name, title/designation, affiliation, academic interests/areas of academic specialty, email and/or other contact information. The title, the abstract, the key words, and author information should be in both English and Chinese. Non-Chinese authors are encouraged but not required to provide Chinese translations.
Contributors are assumed to take full responsibility of academic integrity of their submissions, and we will also try to ensure that only works conforming to the principle of academic integrity are accepted.
You can email your enquiries and/or contributions to Your contribution should come as an attachment in Word format, and your email subject heading should be “contribution from xxx[your name]”.
If you receive no editorial feedback in2 months after the submission, you can enquire about the status via email. You will be notified of the final decision about the submission usually within 4 months.
International subscription is made through China International Book Trading Company, P.O. Box 399, Beijing, China 100044, at a postage-inclusive rate. The international subscription code is BM255.
Copyright by Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art. All rights reserved.
Please send your books for review, and other communications to:
Editorial Board, Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
3663 Zhongshan Rd (North)
Shanghai, 200062
P.R. China
Telephone: (+86)21-62232881
Pubdate: 2021-10-29