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Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art

• Issue in Focus: The Centenary of the May Fourth Movement Literature • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Conversion and Roaming: Xia Yan in the Vision of "the State Theories"

Tian Xing   

  1. Nanyang Normal University
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Tian Xing, Ph. D., is a post-doctoral researcher at Fudan University and lecturer at Nanyang Normal University. She mainly specializes in the history of film communication and screenwriting.
  • Supported by:
    the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M621339) and the special project for Ph. D.s by Nanyang Normal University (ZX2016023).

Abstract: Since the founding of P. R. China, "native" Chinese film theory, especially mainstream cinematic theoretical construction, experienced many twists and turns through its historical process. This article seeks to investigate the key points and features of cinematic theoretical construction throughout different historical phases, and theoreticians' simultaneous corrections and adjustments of their theories according to changing social contexts. Under such historical background of academic development, Xia Yan's artistic outlook and development of screenwriting theories against the development of "native" cinematic theory displayed unique value, and thus the detailed and concrete truth of theoretical construction was brought to light from the perspective of individual life history.

Key words: the state theories, Xia Yan's artistic outlook, screenwriting theories