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Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art

• Issue in Focus: Studies of Agamben • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Poetics of Gesture: Agamben's Biopolitical Criticism

Zhi Yunbo   

  1. the Arts Research Institute, Shanghai Theatre Academy Nanjing University
  • Online:2018-03-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Zhi Yunbo is an associate professor in the Arts Research Institute, Shanghai Theatre Academy, and a post-doctoral fellow in Nanjing University, with main academic interest in art theory and biopolitical theory.
  • Supported by:
    the "Shuguang Program" of Shanghai Education Development Foundation (17SG48), the Shanghai Education Development Foundation for Discipline Construction by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016M590433) 

Abstract: This article explores the gestural criticism in Agamben's works and elucidates why it belongs to the biopolitical criticism of politics or ethics. This article has three sections. First, it discusses the dimensions of gesture, gag, emptiness, and pure medium, and then points out that gestural criticism's revolutionary significance in terms of suspending the critical tradition and resetting a new boundary for criticism. Second, it illuminates that gesture is also a key critical concept of Benjamin's, and then discusses the meaning and value of interruption in gesture. Third, this article illustrates that the theory of gesture belongs to biopolitical criticism. This article concludes that gesture is fundamental to Agamben's critical thought, which indicates a turn from aesthetic criticism to biopolitical criticism.

Key words: Agamben, Benjamin, gesture, biopolitical criticism