Starting from the "crossing-through" theory of literature which claims that Chinese writers respect the expression of cultural concepts and transform it from within, this article attempts to adjust the current research situation of Chinese literary history that is used to criticizing literature and describing its development from the perspective of Chinese culture. Firstly, "the thinking of Chinese literary creation" needs to be transformed from "the restriction and influence of culture, time, thought and region on literary creation" to "the degree to which literary creation breaks through culture, times, ideological trend and regional constraints", so as to highlight "literary creation in culture". Secondly, "the stages of Chinese literary creation history" needs to be changed from "the shifts of dynasties and stages of literary evolution" to the following periods: "the period of original conditions of literature", "the period of alternating instrumentalization and anti-instrumentalization of literature", "the period of self-conscious ontological exploration of literature". This describes the historical evolution of literary consciousness from "Self-Being" to "Self-Making". Thirdly, "Chinese literary creation of history" needs to be reclassified from the stylistic classification of "prose, poetry, drama, fiction", to the originality degree of being "original, potentially original, dependently originally, and unoriginal", so as to reassess classic literature, good literature, and ordinary literature.
Key words
literary consciousness /
"crossing-through" theory of literature /
potentially original /
degree of originality
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