

• 西方文论与文化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 西藏民族大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:徐小霞,文学博士,西藏民族大学文学院副教授,主要从事符号学与文化研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Material Return of Cultural Studies: Culture and Society from the Perspective of Tony Bennett's Governmentality

Xu Xiaoxia   

  1. the Faculty of Arts at Xizang Minzu University
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Xu Xiaoxia, Ph. D., is an associate professor in the Faculty of Arts at Xizang Minzu University, with research focuses on semiotics and cultural studies.
  • Supported by:
    the National Social Sciences Foundation (15BZW033) 

摘要: 托尼·贝内特以治理性视角建构了关于新物质主义命题的系统理论话语和方法论,这点往往为学界忽视。本文旨在梳理呈现贝内特的新物质主义议题的全貌,并对之作出辩证的评析和思考。贝内特将文化与社会及其两者关系重新治理性语境化时,大胆吸收法国后结构主义社会学家拉图尔等人的行动者网络理论,提出“聚合中的文化”观点,突出“文化”和“社会交往”的物质动态生成过程,赋予两者更具物质性和实践辩证的含义,揭示文化实践如何借助知识-权力的毛细血管调控和形塑社会交往和社会行为。论文认为贝内特率先引领推动了文化研究领域内的新物质主义转向,为文化研究从经济政治学模式之外思考文化生产提供了新线索。

关键词: 治理性, 聚合中的文化, 新物质主义, 社会交往

Abstract: Tony Bennett has established systematic theories and methodologies on the New Materialism from the perspective of governmentality, which, however, is often neglected by scholars. Based on intensive reading of relevant textual contents and conceptual interpretation, the article deeply and comprehensively investigates Bennett's New Materialism with dialectical analysis and reflection. It argues that Bennett has boldly assimilated the Actor-network Theory by the French post-structuralist sociologist Latour and others when recontextualizing, from the governmentality perspective, society, culture and their relationships. In this process, Bennett developed the idea of Assembling Culture to underscore the dynamic material generating process of culture and the social, giving them material and dialectical meaning, and revealing how cultural practices regulate and shape the social and social behaviors through the knowledge-power pattern. Bennett has pioneered the new materialistic turn of cultural studies, thereby providing a new clue for cultural study scholars to contemplate cultural production beyond the economic and political model that define historical materialism.

Key words: governmentality, Assembling Culture, New Materialism, the social