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Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 209-216.

• Classical Literary Theory and Criticism • Previous Articles    

Revolution and Transcendence: The Aesthetic Transformation in the "New Novel" in the late Qing Dynasty

Zhu Jun

  1. the Department of Chinese, Shanghai Normal University (Shanghai 200234, China)
  • Online:2015-05-25 Published:2015-07-10
  • About author:Zhu Jun, Ph.D., is a post-doctorate fellow at the Department of Chinese, Shanghai Normal University (Shanghai 200234, China), with academic interests in urban culture and modern Chinese literature.

Abstract: The rise of the "New Novel" started the "revolution in the circle of fiction writing" in the late Qing Dynasty. In literary history, the New Novels have not been done justice for the traditional ethics shown in these works were in contradictory with the modern political system. However, it is undeniable that these works had left rather deep influence on Chinese ideology, politics and culture in the 20th century. From Kang Youwei to Liang Qichao, Chinese literature had witnessed a historical process from external transcendence (triggered by the import of exotic political and scientific culture) to immanent transcendence (aroused by the conscience of the Chinese and directed by their traditional view of the human world). Chinese literati in the late Qing Dynasty attempted to construct a culture beyond the boundaries of the East and West, which highlighted benevolent domination and pointed to conservative salvation for successors.

Key words: new novel, revolution, transcendence, salvation aesthetics