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The Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Creation Culture

Guan Ning   

  1. Fujian Academy of Social Sciences
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:Guan Ning, Ph. D., is a research fellow of Fujian Academy of Social Sciences. He is mainly engaged in studies on modern and contemporary literature and arts, popular culture and cultural industry.
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Abstract: As an integral part of human civilization relative to spiritual culture; creation culture plays an important role in national image building. With profound heritages and distinct features; Chinese traditional creation culture; with its outstanding creation wisdom; has exerted a deep and great influence on the history of world civilization. In modern times; with the accelerated development of Western industrial revolution and industrialization; Chinese creation culture was gradually surpassed by Western countries because China missed the opportunities offered by the new industrial revolution and the transformation of civilization forms. Since the reform and opening-up; China has accelerated industrialization and modernization; bringing about an overall recovery and revitalization of its manufacturing industry; and has thus rapidly caught up with the world's advanced level of creation and transformed step by step from "Made in China" to "Created in China". To revitalize Chinese creation culture and restore its glory on the Silk Road of the 21st century and even in the whole world; China must inherit the essence of its excellent traditional creation culture and spiritual culture as well as draw on foreign creation cultures. China needs also closely follow the development of new technologies; new materials and new techniques in contemporary times; in order to break through boundaries of creation and scientifically transform the innovative results to upgrade Chinese creation culture to a new level. At the same time; China should also tell good Chinese stories with Chinese creations; create strong Chinese brands; and develop Chinese values and soft power based on national cultural development.

Key words: creation culture, national image, the Silk Road, creation aesthetics, innovative transformation

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