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Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art

• Issue in Focus: A New Treatise on Ancient Fiction • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Shao Yong as the Origin of the Mind philosophy in Journey to the West: A Critical Examination

Zhu Hongbo   

  1. Chinese Department, East China Normal University
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-10-22
  • About author:Zhu Hongbo, Ph.D, is a professor in the Chinese Department, East China Normal University, and his area of academic specialty is the aesthetics of ancient Chinese fiction. He works in the Faculty of Humanities at Xinjiang Teaches College on a temporary basis.

Abstract: Journey to the West indisputably contains the philosophy of the mind, but there is no consensus whether it is derived from Wang Yangming's mentalism. An examination of the stylistic features and the Taoist intention of mythological novels reveals a certain identity between Shao Yong's mind philosophy and that of Journey to the West and therefore establishes the significance of Shao's philosophy for the writing of the novel. This realization helps to completely understand the intention of the novel's mind philosophy. Wang Yangming's mentalism and Shao Yong's mind philosophy have something in common yet remain apart; they are not to be confused.

Key words: Journey to the West, the philosophy of the mind, Shao Yong, Wang Yangming