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Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art

• Issue in Focus: Literary and Art Theories Innovation with Chinese Paradigms • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Reflections on Structuralist Narratology

Jiang Shouyi   

  1. the College of Literature at Anhui Normal University
  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-10-18
  • About author:Jiang Shouyi, Ph.D, is a professor in the College of Literature at Anhui Normal University, whose research focuses on narratology and criticism of modern Chinese literature.
  • Supported by:
    This article is sponsored by the Project of National Social Science Fund (16BZW036).

Abstract: The rise of structuralist narratology has its theoretical source and theoretical prelude. Its theoretical source includes Saussure's concern of the language and Russian formalism's attention to "form". Its theoretical prelude includes the concern of 'perspective' in the U. K. and the USA, the contribution to novel theory, Propp's Morphology of the Folktale and the study of Lévi-Strauss's structure anthropology. After the preparations of the above theories, structuralist narratology emerged in France which developed into three research approaches: focusing on the story structure, focusing on the composition system of works and focusing on the function of the narrator. Though each approach has its own achievements, structuralist narratology has its limitations at the micro and macro levels, as well as in the scope of application.

Key words: structuralist narratology, France, theory, insufficiency