

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    



  1. 苏州市职业大学学术期刊中心
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:石娟,文学博士,复旦大学在站博士后,苏州市职业大学学术期刊中心副编审,主要从事20世纪中国通俗文学与大众文化研究。
  • 基金资助:

Why to Be Popular, How to Be Classic: An Analysis of the Evaluation Function of Media for Modern Chinese Popular Literature from the Perspective of Market Operation

Shi Juan   

  1. the Academic Periodical Center, Suzhou Vocational University
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Shi Juan, Ph. D., Post-doctorate in Fudan University, ECO in the Journal of Academic Periodical Center, Suzhou Vocational University. Her research interest is Modern Chinese Popular Literature and Mass Culture in 20th century.
  • Supported by:
    Major Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences Foundation of China (13&ZD120) , the Cadre Teachers of "CyanEngineering" of Jiangsu Province in 2016, and Chinese Post-doctoral Foundation First Class Funding in 2018 (2018M640321) 

摘要: 中国近现代通俗文学是市场中的文学,其价值评估标准与新文学差异极大,其文学生产与消费机制决定了中国近现代通俗文学一度备受谴责的“消遣”“趣味”“模式化”等文学特质。梳理其生产与消费机制,可以发现,在中国近现代通俗文学从流行到经典的生成过程中,市场运作行为联结各方,贯穿了近现代通俗文学从生产到消费的全过程。以此作为视角切入通俗文学价值评估的诸问题,可以进入历史现场,并对通俗文学之种种(问题、理念和事件等)给予系统的梳理和理解,具有方法论意义。由此反观中国近现代通俗文学从流行到经典过程中的媒介功能,不难发现,报刊是通俗文学文本“流行”生成之文学场域,单行本奠定了通俗文学经典文本经典化之雏形,二度创作确立了经典文本的地位,并延续了其生命。

关键词: 通俗文学, 市场运作, 媒介价值评估, 文学生产, 文学消费, 流行, 经典

Abstract: Modern Chinese popular literature was influenced by the market, which thus differed from the New-vernacular literature in its standard of evaluation. By studying its production and consumption mechanism, it was evident that marketing operation connected all aspects for modern popular literature to become canonized. To study all issues of popular literature's evaluation from this perspective, we could return to the original historical context and systematically organize and understand all kinds of related issues (such as problems, ideas and incidents, etc.) of popular literature, which could be seen as a new methodology. A reflection of the role media played in the canonization of modern Chinese popular literature reveals that newspapers and periodicals were the literary fields where popular literature became "popular", that the form of books established the prototype for canonization of popular literature, and finally that recreation established the canonical status of these texts and thus prolonged their life.

Key words: popular literature, market operation, evaluation by media, production of literature, consumption of literature, popular, classic