

• 专题:古典诗学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国人民大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:刘小枫,神学博士,中国人民大学文学院教授、博士生导师,古典文明研究中心主任,主要从事古典诗学、比较古典学、政治思想史研究。
  • 基金资助:

Herodotus and the Origins of Ancient Greek Poiētikē

Liu Xiaofeng   

  1. School of Liberal Arts and Director of Center for Studies in Classical Civilizations
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Liu Xiaofeng, Ph. D., is Professor at School of Liberal Arts and Director of Center for Studies in Classical Civilizations, Renmin University of China. His research interests cover classical poetics, comparative classics and history of political thought.
  • Supported by:
    Major Project of National Social Sciences Foud (117ZDA320) 

摘要: 在今天人们能够看到的古希腊文献中,poiētēs[诗人]和poiēsis[诗]用法首次见于希罗多德的《原史》,绝非偶然。《原史》并未讨论“诗学”问题,但为我们展现了古希腊诗术诞生的历史语境。如果要探究poiētikē[诗术]这个语词的语义问题,需要考察为何作诗与其他制作技艺在性质上的差异恰恰在雅典民主时期会成为一个问题。要恰切理解古希腊诗术面对的源初问题,我们必须深入理解雅典民主政治所面临的问题。希罗多德究竟是如今所谓的实证史学家抑或善于“制作”的诗人,古典学家虽然迄今没有定论,但希罗多德的《原史》是因应雅典民主政治时代及其问题的纪事体制作[作诗],却是不争的文本事实。

关键词: 希罗多德, 诗术, 雅典民主政制, 叙事诗人, 政治史学

Abstract: The fact that the extant ancient Greek literature, the use of poiētēs and poiēsis first appeared in Herodotus' Histories is no accident. Although the Histories has not touched upon the issue of "poetics", it has demonstrated the historical background of the birth of ancient Greek poiētikē. Before scholars begin to investigate in-depth the semantic issue of the word poiētikē, we have to look into the reason why the differences between the nature of poetry-making and that of other making techniques happen to become a problem during the democratic period of Athens. To have a proper and accurate understanding of the original problem confronting ancient Greek poiētikē, we must delve into the problems that Athenian democracy has faced. The question of whether Herodotus is a so-called empirical historian or a poet adept in "poetry-making" still remains open. Nevertheless, that Herodotus' Histories is a chronicled poetry-making coming into being as a reflection of the democratic era of Athens and its problems is an undisputable textual fact.

Key words: Herodotus, poiētikē, Athenian democracy, narrative poet, political history