

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国政法大学人文学院
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-11-28
  • 作者简介:刘洋,文学博士,中国政法大学人文学院讲师,研究方向为中国古典文献学、清代文学。
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Three Academic Trends of Versification Theories of Regulated Verse in the Early and Middle Qing Dynasty

Liu Yang   

  1. the School of Humanities, China University of Political Science and Law
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-11-28
  • About author:Liu Yang, Ph.D. in Literature, is a lecturer at the School of Humanities, China University of Political Science and Law, with main research interest in classical Chinese philology and literature of the Qing dynasty.
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摘要: 今日学界普遍认为,我们现在所通行的近体诗律规范自唐代就已确立。实际上,直到清代前中期,在各种诗歌声律学专著中,对近体诗律的论述仍至少存在“以古为律”“以法为律”“以律为律”三种不同的理论倾向。本文以李宗文《律诗四辨》、王士禛《律诗定体》、恽宗和《全唐试律类笺声调谱》为中心,分别介绍这三种著作所尝试建立的近体诗律规范,根据其立论依据及论述方法,分析其中呈现出的三种理论倾向,并列出与之相近的后世其它著作,以展示清代前中期近体诗歌声律规范实际存在的多样性。近体诗律规范并非一成不变的“规律”,而是一种值得讨论的“学问”,一套在不同时期存在多样性与发展过程的“知识体系”。

关键词: 《律诗四辨》, 《律诗定体》, 《全唐试律类笺声调谱》, 诗歌声律学, 科举改革

Abstract: It is generally accepted that the current versification standard of regulated verse established in the Tang dynasty remains unchanged over one thousand years. However, until the early and middle Qing dynasty, there were actually at least three different academic trends of versification theories of regulated verse. This article concentrates on three representative publications, Four Studies of Regulated Verse by Li Zongwen, The Definite Form of Regulated Verse by Wang Shizhen, and The Sound Manual of Poetry by Yun Zonghe, in order to demonstrate the diversity of the versification theories in the early and middle Qing dynasty. The versification standard of regulated verse is not an unvarying "law", but an academic question that deserves discussion and a knowledge system that keeps changing and developing in history.

Key words: Four Studies of Regulated Verses, The Definite Form of Regulated Verses, The Sound Manual of Poetry, versification, the reform of imperial examinations in 1757
