
文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 58-68.

• 西方文论与美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 广东外语外贸大学外国文学文化研究中心
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-11-28
  • 作者简介:张巧,广东外语外贸大学外国文学文化研究中心博士后,主要从事西方文论与分析美学研究。
  • 基金资助:

On Interpretative Validity of Intentionalism Against Fallacy of Private Language: Based on Levinson, Carroll and Davidson's Approaches

Zhang Qiao   

  1. Center for Foreign Literature and Culture, Guangdong University of Studies
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-11-28
  • About author:Zhang Qiao, is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Center for Foreign Literature and Culture, Guangdong University of Studies. Her research interests cover Western literary theory and analytical aesthetics.
  • Supported by:

摘要: 反意图主义认为任何对意图概念的承诺都会陷入私有语言谬误,如果意图主义要继续享有阐释效力,则必须提供能够摆脱私有语言谬误的可替代性的意图概念。本文梳理了当前分析美学中列文森、卡罗尔和戴维森三种意图主义进路并探讨其反私有语言谬误的阐释效力。本文认为,前两种版本的意图主义仍然对反意图主义做出了让步,因为他们和反意图主义共享了这样的观点:语言约定才是阐释语言交流的决定因素,意图概念只是衍生性的;而戴维森将意图置入诠释学视域下,认为语言交流的本质是诠释者对说话者意图的识别,语言约定并非语言交流的必要条件。戴维森的意图论彻底地摆脱了语言约定的担保,将意图作为考察文本诠释的关键因素,比起前两者,它能在与反意图主义的争论中显示出更强的阐释力。

关键词: 意图主义复兴; 私人语言谬误; 阐释效力; 列文森; , 卡罗尔; 戴维森

Abstract: Anti-intentionalism always thinks that any commitment to the concept of intention will lead to the fallacy of private language, representatives of which are theoretical samples like Humpty Dumpty-ism. If Intentionalism is to continue to have interpretative validity, alternative concept of intention must be provided to get rid of the fallacy of private language. This paper presents three approaches of intentionalism revival in analytical aesthetics. The first two versions of the intentionalism reactivate the intention in text interpretation in a place, but still make concessions to anti-intentionalism. It is because both of them share the view with anti-intentionalism that language conventions are determinants in language communication and the concept of intentions is a derivative element. Davidson, however, putting intention in a hermeneutic horizon, argues that the essence of language communication is the interpreter’s recognition of the speaker's intention, while language conventions is not the necessary condition for language communication. With the three versions in comparison, Davidson's theory of intention thoroughly gets rid of commitment of language convention. He put intention as the key factor of text interpretation, which could show more interpretative validity than the first two versions in the debate with anti-intentionalism.

Key words: revival of intentionalism, fallacy of private language, interpretative validity, Levinson, Carroll, Davidson
