

• 中国特色文论话语体系研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海师范大学人文与传播学院
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-10-22
  • 作者简介:王宏超,博士,上海师范大学人文与传播学院副教授,主要从事中国近现代美学、美学与艺术学理论、巫术与中国审美文化等领域的研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Origin of the Concept of Modern Chinese Aesthetic Education and Its Background of Disciplinary System

Wang Hongchao   

  1. Humanities and Communications College at Shanghai Normal University
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-10-22
  • About author:Wang Hongchao is associate prolessor in the Humanitics and Communications College at Shanghai Normal University. His main research interests include Chinese aesthetics, magic and Chinese aesthetic culture and comparative aesthetics.
  • Supported by:
    National Social Science Fund (No. 17FZW031) 

摘要: 中国现代美育概念的形成,一方面与传统的礼乐教化思想有关,另一方面则是吸收了康德哲学中知情意分立的范畴。在中国近现代的教育史中,从早期对“三育” (德育、智育、体育)的强调, 过渡到对“四育”(德育、智育、体育、美育))的提倡,是对美育价值逐渐认同的过程。民国时期,美学及美育被大加提倡,且被推举到至高的地位,与王国维、蔡元培的研究与倡导密不可分。王国维早年译介西方教育学著作,受席勒和赫尔巴特的影响很大,这对其美育思想的形成起到了重要作用。蔡元培在莱比锡大学所受到的教育,对其美育思想影响深远。在民初学制改革中,美育逐渐确立了其重要地位。但在此后的历史中,美育的地位也随着社会主导教育观念的变化而有所削弱。

关键词: 美学, 美育, 自律, 美育代宗教

Abstract: The formation of the concept of modern aesthetic education in China is related to the traditional thought of rite and music, and it also absorbs categories of Kant's philosophy. In the modern history of education in China, the transition from the emphasis on "Three education" (moral, intellectual and physical education) to the promotion of "four education" (moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education) is a process of the recognition of the value of aesthetic education. During the period of the Republic of China, aesthetics and aesthetic education were highly advocated and promoted to the highest position, whose credit goes in large part to Wang Guowei and Cai Yuanpei's research and advocacy. Wang Guowei's early translation and introduction of Western Pedagogical works were greatly influenced by Schiller and Herbart, which played an important role in the formation of his aesthetic education thought. Cai Yuanpei's education at University of Leipzig has a profound influence on his aesthetic education thought. In the reform of the educational system in the earlier Republic of China, aesthetic education gradually established its important status. But later on, the status of aesthetic education declined with the change of dominant social educational concepts.

Key words: aesthetics, aesthetic education, autonomy, aesthetic education as substitute for religion