

• 专题:康德美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山东大学文艺美学研究中心
  • 出版日期:2018-03-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:胡友峰,文学博士,山东大学文艺美学研究中心教授,博士生导师,主要从事文学理论、文艺美学研究。

The Priori Grounds for Kant's Judgment of Taste

Hu Youfeng   

  1. literature and aesthetics center of Shandong University
  • Online:2018-03-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Hu Youfeng, Ph.D., is a professor in literature and aesthetics center of Shandong University. His main research interests are literary theory and aesthetics.

摘要: 在《判断力批判》中,康德需要解决的一个核心问题就是寻求鉴赏判断的先验依据,以便将鉴赏判断纳入到其先验哲学体系之中。康德对鉴赏判断先验理据的追寻经历了一波三折:首先要解决的是鉴赏判断何以是先验的这一基本问题,为其目的论寻找先验原理。其次,通过对鉴赏判断的先验演绎,为鉴赏判断寻求普遍必然性。康德在人的心意状态中寻找鉴赏判断的先验依据,找到的是“审美共通感”。由于“审美共通感”是一种假设,要确保鉴赏判断的普遍必然性,必须要为其寻求终极依据,康德在鉴赏判断的二律背反中寻求到鉴赏判断的终极依据,这就是具有不确定性的“超感官之物的先验的理性概念”,也就是康德所强调的“实践理性”,最终得出康德对鉴赏判断的判定结论“美是道德的象征”。

关键词: 康德美学, 鉴赏判断, 先验理据

Abstract: In The Critique of Judgment, the essential problem to be resolved is that Kant should search for the priori grounds for appreciation and judgment so that they can be contained in the priori philosophy system. It is not a smooth course for Kant to make it. First of all, the fundamental problem that why appreciation and judgment are priori needs to be answered, after which Kant can search priori principles for teleology. Secondly, through the priori deduction of appreciation and judgment, Kant discovers their universal necessity. Kant looks for the priori grounds in the human mind for them, and what he finds is "Aesthetic Common Sense". Since "Aesthetic Common Sense" is just a hypothesis, its ultimate grounds must be found or established so that the universal necessity of appreciation and judgment can be ensured. Kant has found the ultimate grounds of appreciation and judgment from their anatomy, namely, the uncertain "priori and rational conception of the extrasensory" as well as "practical reason" emphasized by Kant. To this end, he concludes that "beauty is the symbol of morality."

Key words: Kant's Aesthetics, judgment of taste, priori grounds