
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 132-139.

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海社会科学院文学研究所
  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2018-10-17
  • 作者简介:刘春,博士,上海社会科学院文学研究所助理研究员,主要从事电影文化研究、电影史研究、电影产业研究。
  • 基金资助:

Affirmative Action and Identification: A Rethinking of the "Seventeen Years" Minority Film

Liu Chun   

  1. Institute of Literature, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2018-10-17
  • About author:Liu Chun, Ph.D., is a research assistant at the Institute of Literature, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. Her research interests cover contemporary Chinese film culture, film history and film industry studies.
  • Supported by:
    the Youth Fund of 2016 National Social Sciences Foundation (No. 16CZW054)

摘要: 族群与民族国家的关系、民族国家与国际秩序的紧张,这一系列议题构成全球化时代的核心冲突。本文从视觉认同的角度出发,回到全球化之前的“十七年”少数民族电影,创造性地提出一种新的阐释框架,即将1950年代民族识别、民族平等、民族自治等政策理解为社会主义平权运动——和今天族群研究所依赖的美国平权运动相对照——的一部分,在平权的视野中理解并整合民族认同与阶级认同。在此基础上论文将结合部分代表性影片,在理论层面而不仅仅是电影批评层面讨论“人民主权”的逻辑所形塑的“人民”这一“普遍身份”如何超克具体的族裔身份,并在此基础上回应对于这类电影“汉族中心主义”的批评。本文想尝试指出,“人民主权”同样构建了一种“普遍人性”,“十七年”少数民族电影提醒我们不要固守于“特殊性”来理解民族电影,而是要从特殊性走向普遍性。“中华民族共同体”依赖于普遍的平权与普遍的参与,而电影永远是这场历史运动中的一部分。

关键词: 平权, 民族性, “十七年”, 少数民族电影

Abstract: The tension between ethnic group and the nation state, as well as the nation state and the international order, is the core conflict of globalization. From the aspect of visual identification, the article reviews the "Seventeen years" minority film (1949-1966) when China was not involved in globalization in a modern sense. Through a comparison with the U. S. affirmative action which has been commonly adopted by ethnic studies, this article creates a new explanation frame, arguing that such policies in the 1950 s as nationality identification, ethnic equality and ethnic autonomy were a part of the Socialist affirmative action. Based on analysis of some representative films, this article discusses how the logic of "people's sovereignty" shaped the idea of "people", and as the "universal identity", how "people" overcame the specific ethnic identity, which also responds to the "Han centrism" criticism towards this kind of movies. The article attempts to point out that "people's sovereignty" also constructs a "common humanity", and the "seventeen years" minority film reminds us of not sticking to the "particular" to understand the minority movie. "The Chinese nation community" depends on universal equality and participation, and the film is always a part of this historical movement.

Key words: affirmative action, nationality, "Seventeen years", minority films