
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 76-83.

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  1. 河南大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2016-07-25 发布日期:2017-09-29
  • 作者简介:梅东伟,河南大学文学院副教授,文学博士,主要研究方向为文艺民俗学和古典小说。

On Narrative of Literary Folklore

Mei Dongwei   

  1. the College of Chinese Language and Literature, Henan University (Kaifeng 475001 China)
  • Online:2016-07-25 Published:2017-09-29
  • About author:Mei Dongwei, D.Litt, is an associate professor in the College of Chinese Language and Literature, Henan University (Kaifeng 475001 China), with research interests in literary folkloristics and ancient Chinese novels.

摘要: 民俗叙事是民俗学和叙事学的交叉研究,是中国叙事学构建中不可或缺的部分,也是文艺民俗学研究的重要维度。但“民俗叙事”术语本身的歧义,以及学术运用的失范,给相关研究带来了诸多的不便。在文艺民俗学视野下,以文艺民俗叙事替代民俗叙事界定小说叙事文本中的民俗文化现象更为贴切。文艺民俗叙事侧重叙事“故事”层面的研究,旨在对各类文艺民俗叙事文本做出合乎情理的民俗阐释与叙事阐释。文艺民俗叙事研究对于小说史和文化史有着独特的意义,它是中国叙事学研究的重要内容和新的维度。

关键词: 民俗叙事, 中国叙事学, 文艺民俗学, 文艺民俗叙事

Abstract: As an interdisciplinary study of folklore and narratology, folk narrative is an indispensible component in the construction of Chinese narratology and an important dimension in the study of literary folkloristics. However, due to the ambiguity of the term and the lack of consensus of its academic parlance, "folklore narrative" has incurred much inconvenience to relevant studies. From the perspective of literary folkloristics, when the folk culture as a phenomenon in narratological text of fictions is to be defined, it is more appropriate to replace folklore narrative with the narrative of literary folklore. Narrative of literary folklore focuses on the narrative as a story, aiming to provide a grounded folk and narratological interpretation for various types of narratives of literature folklore. The paper concludes that research into the narrative of literary folklore will open a new dimension in Chinese narratology and holds unique importance to the study of the history of novels and cultural history and the history of novels.

Key words: folklore narrative, Chinese narratology, literary folkloristics, narrative of literary folklore