
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 45-52.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国人民大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2012-05-25 发布日期:2012-08-31
  • 作者简介:王燕,中国人民大学文学院副教授,主要从事中国古代小说和中国近代文学方面的研究。 房燕,中国人民大学文学院在读硕士,中国古代文学专业。

On the Poetry of the Chinese and Early Overseas Dissemination of the Chinese Classical Poetry

Wang Yan, Fang Yan   

  1. the School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China
  • Online:2012-05-25 Published:2012-08-31
  • About author:Wang Yan is an associate professor at the School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China. Her research interests cover ancient Chinese fiction and Chinese contemporary literature. Fang Yan is a Master student at the School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China. Her major is Chinese ancient literature.

摘要: 《汉文诗解》是英国汉学史上第一部尝试着全面系统地译介中国古典诗歌的专著,在欧洲流传甚广,影响颇大,堪称西方中国诗学研究的奠基之作。它对于中国民间诗作的重视,对于出自中国人之手的西洋风情诗的青睐,对于中国史诗、田园诗及诗剧的看法均具有开创性和启发性,特别是所谓“中国无史诗”的观点与黑格尔《美学》中的相关论述如出一辙。学界一般认为,“中国无史诗”这一观点是随着黑格尔美学思想的广泛传播而畅行于世,但笔者发现,早在1829年《汉文诗解》初版中此观点已有明确表述。本文在细读原著的基础上,考订、辨识出书中引证的100种中文诗作,据此分析德庇时的中国诗歌观,并客观评价《汉文诗解》的功过得失与学术影响。这不仅有助于了解欧洲早期汉学家对中国诗歌的认知和解读,对研究中国诗歌的海外传播也具有重要参考价值。 

关键词: 《汉文诗解》, 德庇时, 中国诗歌, 史诗

Abstract: The book On the Poetry of the Chinese was the first monograph attempting to introduce and translate Chinese classical poetry comprehensively and systematically in the history of British Sinology. With its popularity and significant influence in Europe, the book was regarded as the foundation stone on the research of the Chinese poetics in the West. It attaches great importance to the Chinese folk poems, and displays undue favor toward Western-style poems written by Chinese, it also involves some initiative and highly constructive views on Chinese epics, pastoral poetry and poetic dramas. Especially, the view that the Chinese has no epics is similarly found in Hegel's Esthetics. It is generally believed that Hegel's book that spreads the claim about Chinese epics around the world, but the paper proposes that the claim had been explicitly enunciated in John Francis Davis's book as early as in 1829. This paper examines and identifies 100 Chinese poems cited in the book, thus to analyze Davis's concept on the Chinese poetry, and evaluate on the merits and demerits of the book and its academic impact. It is hoped that the paper will contribute to the understanding of the early European Sinologists' perception and interpretation of Chinese poetry as well as provide reference to the study of the early overseas dissemination of the Chinese Poetry. 

Key words: On the Poetry of the Chinese, John Francis Davis, Chinese poetry, epic