
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 173-179.

• 西方文论与美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 巴黎第八大学
  • 出版日期:2013-07-25 发布日期:2013-08-29
  • 作者简介:雅克·朗西埃,1969年起在巴黎第八大学执教,至2000年作为哲学教授荣退,并任多所美国大学访问教授。他的研究领域包括解放政治学,美学,以及美学与政治之关系;朗西埃教授著作等身,包括《美学政治学》《图像的未来》《文学政治学》《解放了的观者与感性审美》以及《艺术之美学体制的场景》等。

What is The Time of Contemporary Art?

Jacques Rancière   

  1. the University of Paris VIII
  • Online:2013-07-25 Published:2013-08-29
  • About author:Jacques Rancière is Emeritus Professor at the University of Paris VIII, where he taught Philosophy from 1969 to 2000, and visiting professor in several American universities. His work deals with emancipatory politics, aesthetics and the relationship between aesthetics and politics. He is the author of numerous books, including notably: The Politics of Aesthetics, The Future of The Image, The Politics of Literature, The Emancipated Spectator and Aisthesis. Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art.

摘要: 与其拒斥艺术及政治的现代主义辉煌时代或说乌托邦时代,而拥抱当下这个后现代主义的放逐时代及其形形色色的拙劣模仿,似乎还不如区分当代性与它自身时间之关系的两种不同方式更有意义。在塔特林或维尔托夫的时代,艺术的当代性到底是什么意思?这对身处二十一世纪之初的艺术家们意味着什么?“当代艺术” 的这两种形式如何处置时间,如何处置时间与空间的关系?时间-空间关系如何与艺术-人生关系交结在一起?本文借以集中讨论这些论题的当代艺术作品,再现了当代这个录像时代或摄影空间里的资本主义过程。最后,本文对工业化的荒漠化与艺术新空间的创立之间的关系提出质疑。

关键词: 艺术, 现代性, 当代性, 时间, 空间

Abstract: Instead of opposing the glorious – or utopian – age of artistic and political modernism to the disenchanted age and the parodic forms of contemporary postmodernism, it seems more fruitful to distinguish between two ways of being contemporary to its own time. What did it mean for art to be contemporary in the age of Tatlin or Vertov? What does it mean for the artists of the beginning of the 21st century? How does each of those two forms of "contemporary art" deal with time and with the relation of time to space? How does that relation between time and space tie up with a different form of relation between art and life? This text addresses those issues by focusing on some contemporary works that restage the contemporary process of capitalism in the time of the video or the space of the photographic exhibition. It ends with an interrogation about the relation between the industrial desertification and the creation of new spaces for art.

Key words: art, modernity, contemporariness, time, space