
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 4-10.

• 会议专辑:中国当代文艺理论建设 •    下一篇



  1. 哈尔滨师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-07-25 发布日期:2013-08-29
  • 作者简介:冯毓云,哈尔滨师范大学文学院教授,文艺学专业博士研究生导师,主要从事文艺理论研究。 周丽明,哈尔滨师范大学文学院讲师,文艺学专业博士研究生,主要从事文艺理论研究。

On the Reflexivity of the Functional Specialization of the Literary Theory Discipline System

Feng Yuyun, Zhou Liming   

  1. Harbin Normal University
  • Online:2013-07-25 Published:2013-08-29
  • About author:Feng Yuyun, professor of Harbin Normal University (Harbin, 150025, China), Supervisor on Literature and Art Study, Field of Research: literary and art theory study. Zhou Liming, Lecturer of Harbin Normal University (Harbin, 150025, China), the Doctor candidate of Literature and Art Study. Field of Research: literary and art theory study.

摘要: 文学理论体制的功能专门化是一个现代性的话题,既具有袪魅的历史进步性,又具有返魅的自反性,表现为从过度自主性到自足、自恋的返魅,文学理论知识生产的碎片化和形而上学的体系构筑。功能专门化使文学理论丧失了理论的实践品格、历史品格、创新品格,进而陷入困境。理论的幽灵无处不在,文学理论的复兴,仅仅依赖传统的审美观念、回归经典、坚守精英文化,既不能解决当代文化问题,亦不可能挽回纯文学艺术的中心地位。我们应该在恪守文学理论审美性、自主性的前提下,坚守理论的相对性、开放性、实践性,以一种更加开放的胸怀、更加宏阔的视野、更加灵活多样的方法、更加稳健的跨学科步伐来进行建构。

关键词: 功能专门化, 自反性, 过度的自主性, 知识生产的碎片化, 形而上学的体系建构

Abstract: The Reflexivity of the Specialization of the Literary Theory Discipline is modern topic which marks both historical progress of disenchantment and Reflexivity from over-autonomy to narcissist re-enchantment as well as the fragmentation of literary theory production and the construction metaphysical system. Functional specialization deprives literary theory of its practical, historical and innovation characters and then be in a dilemma. The Ghost of theory haunted everywhere, so the revival of literary theory could not only depend on traditional aesthetic concept, returning back to the classic or holding elite culture. This could neither solve the contemporary cultural problems nor redeem the central position of pure literary art. Therefore, what we should do is to be adhere to the relativity, opening and practical character of literary theory on the condition of holding the esthetical and autonomy of literary theory. In this way, we could construct the discipline through more opening and wide vision, more flexible method, and more stable and scientific step.

Key words: functional specialization, reflexivity, over-autonomy, fragmentation of literary theory production, the construction of metaphysical system