
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 41-47.

• 美学与文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山东大学文艺美学中心
  • 出版日期:2013-05-25 发布日期:2013-06-25
  • 作者简介:陈炎,文学博士,现为山东大学文艺美学中心教授。
  • 基金资助:


A Dynamic Analysis of the Essence of Art

Chen Yan   

  1. the Research Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics, Shandong University
  • Online:2013-05-25 Published:2013-06-25
  • About author:Chen Yan, Ph.D., is a professor at the Research Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics, Shandong University.

摘要: 艺术的本质既不是人脑中所固有的,也不是理论家所构造出来的,而是在长期的艺术实践中被不断建构起来的。因此,任何对艺术的本质问题所进行的先验的、静态的、形而上学的界定都注定是失败的,而这些失败则给分析美学取消艺术本质的研究提供了借口。相反的,如果我们从艺术史的角度出发,在动态中考察艺术的本质,便不难发现:所谓艺术,就是人们在生活经验的基础上,凭借丰富的想象力,利用物质媒介或观念符号所创造的、能够诉诸欣赏者感觉器官并引发情感体验的人工制品。这其中所包含的五层意涵,都是可以分析的。

关键词: 艺术本质, 动态分析, 历史建构

Abstract: The essence of art is neither inbuilt in human brains nor conceived by theorists, but constructed in the course of the practice of art. Any static transcendental and metaphysical circumscription is doomed to fail, and this failure provides an easy excuse for the analytical aesethtics to deny the study on the essence of arts. If a perspective of art history is taken to dynamically examine the essence of art, art may be easily defined as a collection of artifacts that people created by way of material medium and conceptual symbols on the basis of imagination gained from life experience and that could evoke emotions through senses. The five aspects in the process of artistic creation may be analyzed.

Key words: essence of art, dynamic analysis, historical construction