

• “阅读理论研究”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 纽约城市大学
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-28
  • 作者简介:李圭,延边大学特聘教授,纽约城市大学哲学教授,在艺术与哲学交叉领域发表了诸多著述。

A Close-up: On U, the Reader InOutside

Kyoo Lee   

  1. the City University of New York
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Kyoo Lee, currently visiting Yanbian University as YBU Distinguished Professor, is a Professor of Philosophy at the City University of New York. She publishes widely in the interwoven fields of the Arts and the Humanities.

摘要: 在今天,在这个即时中介化(imMEDIAted)信息溢出的时代,谁是“细读者”,“细读者”又在哪里?本文引入了一个新形象:“内-外部读者”,这一形象要强调的是其间隙互动的模糊性,亦即其自拍式的主客观性(同时既是主观又是客观的)。“内-外部”读者透过“窗口”被看到并看到,他们通常也是反-读者,他们既被召唤又召唤你离开彼处来到此处;确切地说,他们不是内部者,但确定的是,他们不是外部者,而是被“公开地”邀请作为你们中的某人或某些人,这都是些被自由创生而成,并被宽泛归纳成如此存在的人,构成互联网中的“原你(U)”,这一数据点式的晶体管-读者,其行动就像一只窗口上的蝴蝶。书虫式读者,以更经典的坐姿,“细致”和“深入”地对文本做出“回应”,他们在这种双向模拟-数字迁移过程中并没有丢失,而是隐藏于其中的壕沟,并作为一种即时重新校准的、(解)压缩的超(表面)读者而浮现融入。阅读(倍增)继续。

关键词: 你, 细读, 内外部阅读, 反阅读, 保罗·德·曼, 斯泰凡·马拉美, 媒介的

Abstract: Where, or who, is the "close reader" today in the age of imMEDIAted information overflow? This essay introduces a new figure, the "inoutside reader," focusing on its interstitially interactive ambiguity, its selfie-like sobjectivity (simultaneously subjective and objective). Seen and seeing through the "window," the inoutside reader that often counter-reads as well is called and calling 'you' out there and in here; neither exactly an insider nor definitely an outsider but "openly" invited as one of or those of you (vous) freely generated and liberally generalized as such, "U" in the net-work, this data-point-like transistor-reader, acts like a butterfly on the window. The bookish reader, more classically sedentary, "closely" and "deeply" "responsive" to the text, is not lost in this bidirectional analog-digital migratory process but rather entrenched therein, emerging as a sort of instantly recalibrated, (de-)compressed super(ficial)-reader. Reading (X) goes on.

Key words: you, close reading, inoutside reading, counter-reading, Paul De Man, Stéphane Mallarmé, mediatic