

• 西方文论与美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 纽约市立大学
  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-06-11
  • 作者简介:理查德·沃林,纽约市立大学究生院历史和比较文学杰出教授,美国政治思想史家、新左派代表人物,主要从事尼采、海德格尔、本雅明与阿多诺等人的思想研究。著有《存在的政治:海德格尔的政治思想》(1980,2000中文版)、《文化批评的观念:法兰克福学派、存在主义和后结构主义》(1992,2000中文版)、《海德格尔争论集》(1992)、《非理性的诱惑:从尼采到后现代主义知识分子对法西斯浪漫的爱》(2004)《重访法兰克福学派》 (2006) 《东风 : 法国知识分子与20世纪60年代的遗产》(2010,2017中文版)等。
  • 基金资助:

Habermas and Hermeneutics: From Verstehen to Lebenswelt

Richard Wolin   

  1. The City University of New York
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:Richard Wolin, Ph. D., is a professor of political science in The City University of New York. His research interests cover Critical Theory, Continental Philosophy, an Literary Theory.
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摘要: 哈贝马斯一生都在追求忠于非教条的、反思性的马克思主义,即作为批判的马克思主义。虽然哈贝马斯从未使用社会现象学这一框架,但他对晚期胡塞尔生活世界这一观念的接受在他自己的后期著作中发挥了核心的方法论的作用,他因此得以规避哲学与社会科学那些根深蒂固的科学主义的偏见。哈贝马斯1965年在法兰克福大学题为“知识与人类兴趣”的首讲中,他拥抱了胡塞尔对现代科学误导而产生的自然之数学化的批判。哈贝马斯在《交际行为理论》发表之前对胡塞尔并没有系统的运用。哈贝马斯把“生活世界”这一观念作为一个非设定的、具有隐含意义的用之不竭的宝库,它代表了以语义来抵抗金钱与权力这些压迫性的次级体系,而金钱和权力在后期资本主义体制下越来越成为一种霸权。哈贝马斯创造了“生活世界的殖民化”这一术语,并用这一术语来描述人类交往的日常领域越来越受制于经济和官僚体制这一过程。对哈贝马斯而言,社会现象学的话语因其源自胡塞尔,最终取代了“现象学”在其早期著作中的角色。对他来说,匡正哲学的自我误解这一尝试不仅仅是一重抽象的理论关怀。“生活世界的科学技术组构”日益恶化,其拓展已危及对西方规定性的自我理解,而对哈贝马斯来说,这种自我理解是围绕个体自主与民主自治这一对互补的观念。在这一方面,哈贝马斯与晚期胡塞尔建设性的相遇与他致力于发展“带有实用目的的批评理论”这一工程并行不悖。

关键词: 哈贝马斯, 批评理论, 阐释学

Abstract: Throughout his career, Habermas sought to remain faithful to the idea of a non-dogmatic and reflexive Marxism – Marxism as "critique." Although Habermas never adopted the framework of social phenomenology per se, by the same token, his reception of the later Husserl's notion of the lifeworld would play a central methodological role in his later work, enabling him to parry the well-entrenched scientistic biases of philosophy and social science. In "Knowledge and Human Interests" (1965), his inaugural lecture at University of Frankfurt, Habermas embraced Husserl's critique of modern science's misguided "mathematicization of nature." Yet his systematic employment of Husserl would not occur until Theory of Communicative Action (1981). There, the notion of the "Lifeworld" (Lebenswelt) as an inexhaustible repository of non-thetic, implicit meanings signifies a reservoir of semantic resistance vis-à-vis the predatory subsystems of "money" and "power" (Geld und Macht) that, under late capitalism, increasingly assume hegemony. Habermas coined the phrase, the "colonization of the lifeworld," to describe the process whereby informal spheres of human interaction are increasingly subjected to regulation and control by superordinate economic and bureaucratic structures. For Habermas, the discourse of social phenomenology, as it derived from the later Husserl, ultimately supplanted the role that "hermeneutics" had formerly played in his work – that is, as a methodological alternative to the objectivating approach that the social sciences. For Habermas, the attempt to remedy philosophy's positivistic self-misunderstanding was more than an abstract, theoretical concern. At stake was the growing "scientific-technical organization of the lifeworld," whose expansion had begun to threaten to the normative self-understanding of the West, which, in Habermas's view, revolved around the mutually complementary ideals of individual autonomy and democratic self-determination. In this respect, Habermas' constructive encounter with the later Husserl was wholly consistent with his overall project of developing a "Critical Theory with a practical intent."

Key words: Habermas, Critical Theory, Hermeneutics
